(a)   Exterior Building Materials.
      (1)   B-1, B-2, and B-4 Districts.
         A.   New Buildings. Exterior building materials, exclusive of doors and windows, of new buildings shall be limited to the following options in authentic materials, composite building materials (such as cultured stone, cast stone, integrally colored split face block and precast concrete panels), or other artificial versions that look authentic:
               Full-Depth Clay Brick
               Veneer Clay Brick Soaps
               Natural Stone
               Cultured Stone and/or Stone Veneer
               Natural Stucco/Plaster
Exterior Insulation Finishing System (EIFS)(Limited to 30% of any exterior wall and shall be a minimum of seven (7) feet above grade.)
               Terra Cotta Tile
As trim, composite building materials (such as cultured stone, cast stone, integrally colored split face block and precast concrete panels) designed to look like stone or brick, or imprinted with architectural features such as lintels, windowsills, and cornices, in addition to finished wood siding, are allowed but shall not exceed 25% of any exterior wall.
Cinder block and similar foundation materials are permitted if they are textured with a masonry fmish and of neutral color.
The following exterior building materials are prohibited: vinyl siding, smooth-faced block, metal siding, unfinished wood siding, and cinder block that is not textured with a masonry finish and of neutral color. Split-face concrete masonry units shall be prohibited where viewed from the public right-of-way.
Any other material not mentioned in either the permitted or restricted categories above cannot constitute more than 25% of the exterior.
   B.   Existing Buildings. Existing buildings that undergo a significant redevelopment are encouraged, but not required, to change the existing material siding of their buildings to one of the approved varieties above. However, if the existing siding of the building is consistent with the approved varieties, it is not permitted to replace said siding with the prohibited exterior building materials of vinyl siding, smooth-faced block, metal siding, unfinished wood siding, and untextured cinder block. In either instance, the significant redevelopment of an existing building must comply with the color and landscaping requirements of subsections (b) and (c).
      (2)   Downtown Redevelopment District.
         A.   New Buildings. Exterior building materials, exclusive of doors and windows, of new buildings shall be limited to the following options in authentic materials, composite building materials (such as cultured stone, cast stone, integrally colored split face block and precast concrete panels), or other artificial versions that look authentic:
Full-Depth Clay Brick
Veneer Clay Brick Soaps
Natural Stone
Cultured Stone and/ or Stone Veneer
               Natural Stucco/Plaster
Exterior Insulation Finishing System (EIFS)(Limited to 15% of exterior walls and a minimum of seven (7) feet above grade)
Finished Wood Siding
The following exterior building materials are prohibited: vinyl siding, smooth-faced block, metal siding, and cinder block that is not textured with a masonry finish and of neutral color. Split-face concrete masonry units shall be prohibited where facing and viewable from the public right -of-way.
Any other material not mentioned in either the permitted or restricted categories above cannot constitute more than 25% of the exterior.
         B.   Existing Buildings. Existing buildings that undergo a significant redevelopment are encouraged, but not required, to change the existing material siding of their buildings to one of the approved varieties above. However, if the existing siding of the building is consistent with the approved varieties, it is not permitted to replace said siding with the prohibited exterior building materials of vinyl siding, smooth-faced block, metal siding, unfinished wood siding, and untextured cinder block. In either instance, the significant redevelopment of an existing building must comply with the color and landscaping requirements of subsections (b) and (c).
         C.   Planning Commission Approval Requirement. All developments, redevelopments, or exterior alterations within the Downtown Redevelopment District must be approved by the Harrison Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will review such submissions in considering building materials, color, form, and detailing, all of which should work together to express a harmonious element within the District.
      (3)   M-1 and M-2 Districts.
         A.   New Buildings. The exterior walls of the building facing thru streets must have some combination of brick, stone, stucco, architectural metal siding, or cinder block with a masonry finish exclusive of doors and windows, using authentic materials, composite building materials (such as cultured stone, cast stone, integrally colored split face block and precast concrete panels), or other artificial versions that look authentic. EIFS may be used but shall be limited to 30% of the exterior wall and located a minimum of seven (7) feet above grade.
On the remaining exterior wall areas the following materials are permitted: architectural metal siding, cinder block with a masonry finish, and composite building materials (such as cultured stone, cast stone, integrally colored split-face block, and precast concrete panels) designed to look like stone or brick or imprinted with architectural features such as lintels, windowsills, and cornices.
The exterior use of vinyl siding, standard metal siding, or cinder block that is not textured with a masonry finish and of neutral color is prohibited.
         B.   Existing Buildings. Existing buildings that undergo a significant redevelopment are encouraged, but not required, to change the existing material siding of their buildings to one of the approved varieties above. However, if the existing siding of the building is consistent with the approved varieties, it is not permitted to replace said siding with the prohibited exterior building materials of vinyl siding, smooth-faced block, metal siding, unfinished wood siding, and untextured cinder block. In either instance, the significant redevelopment of an existing building must comply with the color and landscaping requirements of subsections (b) and (c).
   (b)   Exterior Building Colors.
      (1)   B-1, B-2, and B-4 Districts. Buildings in the B-1, B-2, and B-4 Districts are permitted to have base neutral colors that are the natural color of the exterior building material used. For instance, in the case of brick or stone, permitted colors shall be neutral muted palettes and deep saturated hues. Even with these permitted colors, care should be taken to achieve architectural consistency and harmony with the overall development.
Brighter, vivid colors are only permitted for accents and trim.
Prohibited colors include fluorescent, neon, day-glow, or reflective colors.
      (2)   Downtown Redevelopment District. Buildings in the Downtown Redevelopment District shall be permitted to have base neutral colors that are the natural color of the exterior building material used. For instance, in the case of brick or stone permitted colors shall be neutral muted palettes and deep saturated hues. Even with these permitted colors, care should be taken to achieve architectural consistency and harmony with the overall development.
Brighter, vivid colors are only permitted for accents and trim.
Prohibited colors include fluorescent, neon, day-glow, or reflective colors.
All developments, redevelopments, or exterior colors and alterations within the Downtown Redevelopment District must be approved by the Harrison Planning Commission to ensure that the proposal works with the other DRD and is harmonious within the District.
      (3)   M-1 and M-2 Districts. The colors of exterior buildings in the M-1 and M-2 Districts shall be permitted to have base neutral colors that are the natural color of the exterior building material used. For instance, in the case of brick or stone permitted colors shall be neutral muted palettes and deep saturated hues. Even with these permitted colors, care should be taken to achieve architectural consistency and harmony with the overall development.
         Brighter, vivid colors are only permitted for accents and trim.
Prohibited colors include fluorescent, neon, day-glow, or reflective colors.
   (c)   Landscaping Requirements. The requirements and standards for planting and maintaining landscaping in newly constructed businesses and businesses that undergo significant renovation and redevelopment are found in Chapter 1167. A detailed landscaping plan that is compliant with Building Code standards and contains a maintenance plan must be submitted to the City Building Department for review and approval. The City Building Department shall consult the City Tree Board for review and comment on the submitted landscape plan.
      (1)   B-1, B-2, and B-4 Districts. The following sections of the Zoning Code provide the standards and requirements for landscape screening of the following aspects of the newly constructed or renovated building:
         A.   Section 1167.03- business properties adjacent to a residential area.
         B.   Section 1167.04 -loading docks, storage areas, and service courts.
         C.   Section 1167.05- exterior mechanical equipment.
         D.   Section 1167.06- trash containers and dumpsters.
         E.   Section 1167.07- parking lot and other parking areas.
Section 1167.08 provides the standards for permissible types of shrubs, ground cover, trees, and grass, and provides a list of impermissible trees.
Section 1167.09 provides the standards and requirements for landscape maintenance and replacement.
      (2)   Downtown Redevelopment District. There are no landscaping requirements for businesses in the Downtown Redevelopment District, although the use of potted plants, flowers and shrubs are encouraged where appropriate, to include window flower boxes and large scale urns/planters that would compliment the historic nature of the DRD.
      (3)   M-1 and M-2 Districts. The following sections of the Building Code provide the standards and requirements for landscape screening of the following aspects of the newly constructed or renovated building:
         A.   Section 1167.03 - busioess properties adjacent to a residential area.
         B.   Section 1167.04- loading docks, storage areas, and service courts.
         C.   Section 1167.05 -exterior mechanical equipment.
         D.   Section 1167.06- trash containers and dumpsters.
         E.   Section 1167.07- parking lot and other parking areas
Section 1167.08 provides the standards for permissible types of shrubs, ground cover, trees, and grass, and provides a list of impermissible trees.
Section 1167.09 provides the standards and requirements for landscape maintenance and replacement.
         (Ord. 23-2013. Passed 11-19-13.)