For the purposes of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
      APPOINTING AUTHORITY. The officer, board, or commission having the power of appointment to or removal from positions in any office or department. The APPOINTING AUTHORITY will normally be the Mayor.
      CLASS OR CLASSIFICATION. A group of positions established under these rules sufficiently similar in respect to duties, responsibilities, and qualification requirements to be equitably compensated within the same salary scale.
      CLASSIFIED SERVICE. Comprises all positions in the service of the Municipality not specifically included in the unclassified service.
      CIVIL SERVICE. All offices and positions of trust or employment, whether permanent or temporary, in the service of the Municipality.
      ELIGIBILITY LIST. A list of names of persons who have been found qualified, through suitable tests for employment in positions allocated to a specified class, arranged in the order of merit.
   EMERGENCY EMPLOYEE. An employee whose services are required in case an emergency for a period not to exceed 30 calendar days.
      NEW POSITION. A position created through the authorized addition to an organization unit of a position not previously existent or a position created through an authorized change by the Civil Service Commission in classification.
      PART-TIME EMPLOYEE. An employee regularly scheduled to work less than 40 hours per week.
      PASSING GRADE. For any written examination, whether entrance or promotional, the minimum passing grade shall be a raw score of 70 prior to the addition of any credits of seniority, service, or as otherwise provided for by this Chapter.
   The following table is only for the purpose of illustrating the awarding of seniority and service credit after the passing grade is achieved:
Exam Type
Raw Score
Years of Part
Time Service
Years of Full
Time Service
Total Score
5 (2.5 points)
5 (4.6 points)
4 (2 points)
8 (6.4 points)
4 (2 points)
14 (10 points)
Y (5 points)
Y (5 points)
   PERMANENT EMPLOYEE. Any employee in the civil service who has been regularly appointed after serving a probationary period to a position normally involving continuous year-round service.
      PROMOTION. A transfer made in accordance with these rules from a lower class to a higher class involving an increase in responsibilities, a change in classification title, and the application of a higher salary scale.
      PROVISIONAL EMPLOYEE. Any employee temporarily filling a position without competition, pending the establishment of an eligibility list.
      SEASONAL EMPLOYEE. Any employee in the classified service whose services are required only during certain parts of each year, such a position being intermittent or broken in its nature.
     SENIORITY DATE. An employee's seniority status is determined by the Seniority date which is the date the employee begins work. If the seniority date is the same for any 2 or more employees, the seniority date shall be the date of hire. If the date of hire is the same for 2 or more employees, the seniority date shall be the date the employee submitted his or her employment application.
     TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE. Any employee appointed for a specific period, for a special project, or one who is replacing a regular employee on leave.
      UNCLASSIFIED SERVICE. Comprises the following positions which shall be exempt from these personnel policies:
         (1)    Elected officials;
      (2)    Custodian of Council records;
      (3)    Members of boards and commissions appointed by the Council or Mayor;
      (4)    The Directors of Departments;
      (5)    One deputy, clerk, assistant, or secretary to the Mayor and to the head of each department;
      (6)    Unskilled labor, as defined by the Civil Service Commission;
      (7)    Any temporary, or part-time office or position, requiring the qualifications of an expert;
      (8)    Members of auxiliary unit of the Police Department;
      (9)    Members of the Volunteer Fire Department except regular full-time employees.;
      (10)    Captain and Lieutenant in the Department of Police;
      (11)    Mayor's Court Clerk;
      (12)    Senior Coordinator;
      (13)    Recreation Director;
      (14)    Assistant Director of Fire and Emergency Services.
(Ord. 1-17. Passed 1-17-17.)