For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) “Administrator” means the Mayor of the City of Harrison, or his/her designee, who shall be responsible for administering the provisions of this chapter.
(2) “Caliper inches” means quantity in inches of the diameter of trees measured at the height of 4-1/2 feet above the ground.
(3) “Category” means classification of species of trees/shrubs.
(4) “Clearing” means the removal of vegetation from a property, whether by cutting or other means.
(5) “Conifer trees” means any tree with needle leaves and a woody cone fruit.
(6) “Deciduous trees” means any trees that shed their leaves in the fall or winter.
(7) “Development regulations” means the adopted regulations provided for the subdivision and development of real property within the City of Harrison, as amended from time to time by the City Council of the City of Harrison.
(8) “Dripline” means a line on the ground established by a vertical plane extending from a tree’s outermost branch tips to the ground (i.e., the line enclosing the area directly beneath the tree’s crown from which rainfall would drip).
(9) “Endangered species” means those trees that are under the protection of the State of Ohio and/or Federal law.
(10) “Evergreen” means those trees, including broadleaf and conifer evergreens, that maintain their leaves year around.
(11) “Flood plain, 100 year” means those lands subject to flooding, which have at least a 1% probability of flooding occurrence in any calendar year, and specifically, the flood plain as shown on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map as prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
(12) “Grading” means the placement, removal or movement of earth by use of mechanical equipment on a property.
(13) “Land Disturbance Permit (LDP)” means any permit other than a building permit issued by the City of Harrison that authorizes clearing or grading activities on a site or portion of a site. Said permit may be clearing, clearing and grubbing, grading, or development as defined and authorized under the development regulations of the City of Harrison.
(14) “Lot Building Area” means area of lot encompassed by front, side and rear yard setbacks or building line as required by the City of Harrison, Ohio, Zoning Code.
(15) “Nondevelopment Activity” means any alteration of the natural environment which does not require development plan approval, but which would include the proposed removal or destruction of any tree/shrub.
(16) “Overstory” means those trees that compose the top layer or canopy of vegetation.
(17) “Pervious surface” means area of land that can be landscaped or planted, allows natural passage through by water, and is not covered by manmade materials or structures such as building and/or paving.
(18) “Replacement planting” means the planting of trees/shrubs on a site that before development had more trees/shrubs, and after development shall have less trees per acre of pervious surface.
(19) “Tree” means any living, self-supporting wood perennial plant, usually having a mainstem or trunk and many branches, and at maturity normally attaining a trunk diameter greater than three inches at any point, and a height over ten feet.
(20) “Tree density unit” means a credit assigned to a tree, based on the diameter of the tree, in accordance with tables contained in this chapter.
(21) “Tree equivalency table” means the categories of trees showing importance, visual buffering, growth characteristics, native species and aesthetics in accordance with tables contained in this chapter.
(22) “Tree protection area” means any portion of a site wherein are located existing trees which are proposed to be retained in order to comply with the requirement of this chapter. The tree protection area shall include no less than the total area beneath the tree canopy as defined by the dripline of the tree or group of trees collectively.
(23) “Tree Protection Plan (TPP)” means a plan that identifies tree protection areas, existing trees to be retained and proposed trees to be planted on a property to meet minimum requirements, as well as methods of tree preservation to be undertaken on site and other pertinent information.
(24) “Tree removal area” means area on site where trees are permitted to be removed for construction of buildings, access roads, parking areas, canopies, patios, decks, sidewalks, utility installation, water retention and similar necessary development needs. However, some tree replacement will be required.
(25) “Understory” means those trees that grow beneath the overstory.
(26) “Zoning buffer” means a buffer, as defined and required by the Zoning Ordinance, or as a condition of zoning approval for a specific property.
(27) “Zoning Ordinance” means the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Harrison, as amended from time to time by the City Council of the City of Harrison.
(28) “Zoning and Planning Department” means the Zoning and Planning Department of the City of Harrison, Ohio.
(29) “Zoning districts” as defined in the City of Harrison, Ohio, Zoning Code and shown on the Zoning Map.
(30) “Zoning Enforcement Officer” means an employee of the City of Harrison’s Zoning and Planning Department charged with the responsibility of enforcing ordinances relating to development of real property within the corporate limits of the City of Harrison.
(Ord. 14-05. Passed 5-3-05.)