(a)   In parking lots, at least five percent (5%) of the interior parking area shall be landscaped with plantings, and one (1) deciduous tree shall be planted for every three thousand square feet of parking space. Parking lot street frontage screening and perimeter screening shall be a minimum of five (5) feet wide. Planting required within the parking lot is exclusive of other planting requirements, such as shade trees planted along the street.
   (b)   Landscaping should be located in protected areas, such as along walkways, in center islands, at the ends of bays, or between parking stalls. All landscaping in parking areas and on the street frontage shall be placed so that it will not obstruct sight distance. Plantings in parking areas and on streets shall pay particular attention to sun position during the summer months so that maximum cooling effects can be gained from well-placed trees.
   (c)   A mixture of hardy flowering and/or decorative evergreen and deciduous trees may be planted. The evergreens should be used along the perimeter of the lot for screening, and the deciduous trees for shade within the lot. The area between trees shall be mulched or planted with shrubs or ground cover. Any area that will be under the overhang of vehicles shall be mulched or covered with paving material.