Subdivision street intersections, including connections to existing streets shall be located such that adequate sight distance is provided. The requirements for sight distance, are as specified in the Ohio Department of Transportation Location and Design Manual and A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets prepared by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Refer to Standard Drawing No. 13 (in the appendix).
(a) The plan for street improvements in the subdivisions shall show the stations and angles to all intersecting streets and turnarounds.
(b) All intersecting streets shall have a minimum back of curb or edge of paving radius of thirty feet (30'), except that at intersection with (connections to) existing state or county roads, the radius shall be thirty-five feet (35') for residential subdivisions and fifty feet (50') for industrial subdivisions.
(c) All proposed street termini should be in accordance with Hamilton County Engineer's Subdivision Rules and Regulations Subdivision Standard Drawing No. 7 (in the appendix).
(d) The limits of all paving shall be clearly noted on all drawings. All streets shall be paved to the limits of the subdivision, or as shown on Hamilton County Engineer's Subdivision Rules and Regulations Subdivision Standard Drawing No. 7 (in the appendix).
(e) For main thoroughfares, the minimum radius of curvature along the centerline shall be five hundred feet (500'); for important neighborhood streets, two hundred feet (200'); for minor streets, one hundred feet (100'). All horizontal curves shall be identified by listing complete curve data of said curves. Each Point of Curvature (PC) and Point of Tangency (PT) shall be properly stationed.