Whenever a division is to be made of a tract into parcels, as described in Section 1101.03(d), fronting on an existing public street, and where the transfer is to be accomplished by the recording of a deed rather than a Plat, the party or parties desiring to make the transfer shall submit a sketch thereof to the Planning Commission Chairman or his designee. If the division conforms to appropriate standards, the Chairman of the Planning Commission or his designee may stamp same “Approved, No Plat Required,” and attach his/her signature, and the appropriate transfer may then be recorded. In no case where a division takes place, may the remaining portion of the tract be less than the minimum allowable lot size. However, if the owner of the property does not agree with any of the requirements specified by the Planning Commission Chairman or his designee, he or she may then appeal to the Planning Commission for approval for recording and such approval must be obtained before the transfer can be recorded. No preliminary or final plan other than the rough sketch of the division shall be required and none of the improvements described in Chapter 1107 shall be required for the transfer.