(a) Pre-Application Consultation. In order to help minimize development planning costs, avoid misinterpretation and ensure compliance with the requirements of these Rules and Regulations, all applicants for subdivision are requested to schedule a preapplication consultation with the Planning Commission (which will comprise of the Administrative Coordinator, the Director of Zoning and the Mayor). The City may at this time also require the applicant to meet with the County Board of Health. During this consultation, all applicable provisions of (i) these Rules and Regulations, (ii) the Official Thoroughfare Plan, (iii) the Comprehensive Plan and (iv) existing Zoning regulations will be reviewed with the applicant. The applicants shall have a Sketch Plan prepared and submit six (6) copies of it to the City of Harrison at least three (3) working day prior to the pre-application consultation. A sample sketch plan can be found in Appendix A. The sketch plan at minimum shall:
(1) Provide a name of the subdivision for file identification. Such name being unique to the area in order to avoid duplication and confusion with previously recorded Plats.
(2) Depict the location of the property by township, section number, subdivision (with block and numbers), street address(es) and streets, roads or highways by which the property can be reached.
(3) Identify the true relationship between the boundary of the property and the right-of-way of existing roads upon which it may border. Existing permanent buildings shall also be shown.
(4) Provide a preliminary inventory and analysis of the site and adjacent properties to the extent that they relate to the site, such inventory and preliminary analysis shall address topography; waterways, wetlands and drainage; historic features; adjacent and on-site land uses and zoning; utilities and related easements and any other easements of record; roadways and traffic circulation; and any other information critical to an understanding of the capabilities of the site to accommodate development.
(5) Show the proposed layout of streets, lots, the number of lots contemplated, the nearest business area, playgrounds and park areas. Show proposed means of vehicular access from the public right-of-way to the tract(s) to be subdivided without trespass upon adjoining properties.
(6) On a general area map, show the proposed boundary (in bold lines) in relation to existing community facilities, public highways, transportation lines, shopping centers and schools.
(7) Indicate utilities and services, if available, or the source and supply of water and sewage and storm water disposal methods and proposed street improvements.
(8) Provide topographical data interpolated from USGS quadrangles, sufficient to evaluate the proposed plans.
(9) Identify area(s) within the proposed subdivision/development that may be subject to flooding by marking on the drawing a line showing the water surface elevation of the one-hundred (100) year flood. Other natural features such as wetlands shall also be indicated.
(10) Sketch plan shall be drawn at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet (one inch equals 50 feet if the subdivision is less than 10 acres). The sketch shall include a title, north arrow, and name of surveyor.
(b) Sketch Plan Review. Within twenty working days from the date of the preapplication consultation, the City shall inform the applicant in writing on issues and areas of concern which should be addressed and/or incorporated in the submittal of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan.