No building or other structure (including accessory structure) shall be erected, moved, added to, structurally altered, nor shall any building, structure, or land be established or changed in use without a permit issued by the Director of Zoning or his/her authorized representative. Zoning Certificates shall be issued only in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance unless the Director of Zoning or his/her authorized representative receives a written order from the Board of Zoning Appeals deciding an appeal or variance or from City Council approving a Planned Unit Development upon recommendation from the Planning Commission, as provided by this Ordinance.
   A.   Exceptions
The Director of Zoning or his/her authorized representative shall not issue Zoning Certificates for certain types of development requiring review by other departments or committees, before the approval of such review is secured.
   B.   Comprehensive Review Permit Requirement
Within the City of Harrison, any proposed construction, occupancy, or use regulated by the State of Ohio and/or the Hamilton County Building Department shall require an approved City of Harrison “Comprehensive Review Permit.” A Comprehensive Review Permit requires the review and approval by other City departments or agencies prior to approval of a Zoning Certificate. The City of Harrison shall charge a deposit and/or fee for the review of plans submitted for a “Comprehensive Review Permit.”
   C.   Development Permit Requirement in Flood Hazard Areas
Prior to the application for a Zoning Certificate as required by this Section, a Development Permit shall be required for any proposed use in flood hazard areas as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
      1.   Land use in identified flood hazard areas is governed by the special provisions of Chapter 1329, regulating flood plain management, and by this Ordinance.
      2.   Flood hazard areas identified by the FEMA are delineated as “risk premium areas” or “special flood hazard areas” on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map, and on the Flood Insurance Rate Map for the City of Harrison, Ohio.
      3.   In identified flood hazard areas, no building shall be erected or altered, and no building or land shall be occupied or used, except in full compliance with the provisions of Chapter 1329 and this Ordinance