1163.01 PURPOSE.
   (a)   The purpose of this chapter is to define allowable “Signs” or “Signage” within the City of Harrison for the sake of general safety, general welfare and the protection of the community’s aesthetic values as outlined in the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
   (b)   By controlling the noise, odors, debris, light pollution, and other similar undesirable characteristics of land use, that, if not regulated, can become a nuisance to adjacent properties or the community in general or could depreciate the value of properties within the community.
   (c)   Specifically, it is the intent to provide the municipality with sign standards in accord with aesthetic standards deemed acceptable to the community. To assure that safety related codes are met and therefore limit the risk to life and property by providing a safe and effective means of locating a business, residence, or event. This ordinance also takes into consideration the safety issues related to pedestrian traffic environments as well as vehicular traffic of all types.
(Ord. 51-08. Passed 11-4-08.)