Joint use of up to fifty percent (50%) of required parking spaces may be permitted for two or more uses located on the same parcel or adjacent parcels provided that the developer can demonstrate to the Director of Zoning or his/her authorized representative that the uses will not substantially overlap in hours of operation or in demand of the shared spaces. This shall be guaranteed by a written agreement from the Owner or between the Owners involved and all future owners or assigns which shall be submitted with the required plan. Shared parking spaces shall be located no more than three hundred feet (300') from the uses they are intended to serve.
For shopping centers, parking requirements may be located on adjoining parcels if the parking requirements for the entire shopping center are met, the total number of required parking spaces are located within 300 feet from the uses they are intended to serve, and there is a recorded agreement from the Owner or between the Owners involved and all future owners or assigns which shall be submitted with the required plan.