All legislative action shall be by ordinance or resolution. Actions of a special or temporary nature shall be by resolution. Actions involving the imposition of penalties, actions involving the expenditure of public funds, the levying of taxes, the appropriation of funds, the creation of municipal indebtedness, or the approval of municipal contracts, and all other action shall be by ordinance or resolution. Council shall keep a journal of its proceedings which shall be a public record. The individual vote cast by each member of Council shall be recorded as "yea" or "nay" or "abstain" except where Council action is unanimous. In such event the record shall show, "the motion passed (or failed) unanimously." No ordinance or resolution shall be passed without the affirmative vote of at least four (4) members of Council.
   Every ordinance or resolution shall be read by title.
   No ordinance or resolution shall contain more than one (1) subject which shall be expressed in its title.