(a) Any peddler, vendor, or itinerant merchant shall not engage in his business until a zoning certificate has been issued by the Zoning Inspector pursuant to the City Zoning Ordinance.
(b) A zoning certificate shall be presented to the Director of the Department of Police upon registration. No peddler, vendor, or itinerant merchant may be permitted to register until production of the appropriate and valid zoning certificate.
(c) Any peddler, vendor, or itinerant merchant shall not engage in his business until he has obtained a statement from the Tax Commissioner of the City that he has provided information to the Tax Commissioner which will enable the Tax Commissioner to assess his liability for income tax under the provisions of the City income tax ordinance.
(d) The statement from the Tax Commissioner shall be presented to the Director of the Department of Police upon registration. No peddler, vendor, or itinerant merchant may be permitted to register until production of the appropriate and valid statement from the Tax Commissioner.
(e) Registration shall be with the Director of the Department of Police. A fee of $25.00 per day or $75.00 for ninety days shall be paid by each applicant for registration. A receipt of registration shall be issued by the Chief of Police and the receipt of registration shall be effective for the period set forth on the receipt. No receipt shall be issued for more than seven consecutive days. All fees are to be paid in advance. At that time they shall be furnished with a copy of this chapter and a receipt of their registration.
(f) No registration receipt shall be in any manner assignable or transferable. No registration receipt shall authorize any person other than the one named in the receipt to do business, nor shall a registrant conduct any other business than is named therein be transacted.
(Ord. 14-10. Passed 6-15-10.)