(A)   The General Manager is authorized to suspend or revoke any permit issued and terminate service at any time that the permittee:
      (1)   Violates any of the provisions of this subchapter or any other town ordinance pertaining to sewage disposal into the town sewers; or
      (2)   Fails or refuses to pay, when due, charges made by the town for such sewer services; or
      (3)   Discharges waste in a quantity or a quality violating the provisions of the permit or otherwise prohibited by this subchapter or other related town ordinances.
   (B)   If a permittee violates any condition of its permit, the permittee shall submit written notice to the General Manager within 15 days of such violation outlining the steps which will be taken to effectuate correction of such violation. The violation shall be corrected within 30 days after the occurrence of such violation, unless a different time schedule for correction is approved by the General Manager.
   (C)   If the sewer staff discovers a violation of a permit condition, the General Manager will give written notice of such violation to the permittee, and the permittee shall within 15 days after receipt of such notice furnish the town, in writing, of the proposed action which will be taken to effectuate correction of such violation. The violation shall be corrected within 30 days after the occurrence of such violation, unless a different time schedule for correction is approved by the General Manager.
(Ord., passed 3-8-82)