(A)   In addition to suspension or revocation pursuant to § 96.12, the alarm administrator may suspend or revoke an alarm permit if he/she determines that:
      (1)   There is a false statement of a material matter in the application for a permit;
      (2)   The permit holder has failed to make timely payment of a fee assessed under § 96.12(B); or
   (B)   A person shall commit an offense if he operates an alarm system during the period in which his alarm permit is suspended or revoked.
   (C)   Unless there is separate indication that there is a crime in progress or there is an actual fire or emergency medical need, the Sheriff/Chief or other responsible department head who has command authority for the dispatch center may refuse to dispatch law enforcement, fire or emergency medical response to an alarm dispatch request at an alarm site for which the alarm permit is revoked, suspended or has never been issued.
   (D)   If the alarm permit is reinstated pursuant to § 96.16, the alarm administrator may revoke the alarm permit if it is determined that three subsequent false alarm dispatches occur within 60 days after the reinstatement date.
(Ord. passed 3-8-99)