Any obstruction to cross-visibility maintained in violation of this chapter shall be deemed to be a public nuisance inconsistent with and detrimental to the public safety and shall be abated in accordance with the following procedure:
   (A)   The Street Commissioners shall cause to be served by certified mail a written notice and order of abatement upon the owner, tenant or person in charge of the premises upon which such obstruction exists.
   (B)   Such obstruction shall be removed by the person responsible therefor within ten days from the date of receipt of such notice and order.
   (C)   Any person receiving such notice and order may, within ten days from receipt thereof, request in writing a hearing before the Town Council, such hearing to be held not later than the second regular meeting of the Town Council following the date of such a request. If, after said hearing, the Town Council finds that the obstruction in question does in fact constitute a public nuisance, the Town Council shall order that such nuisance be abated within ten days from the date of such order. Upon failure by any person to comply with such an order, the Street Commissioners shall proceed forthwith to remove or cause the removal of such obstruction and the cost thereof shall be a charge against the person responsible and shall be a lien against the property from which such obstruction is removed.
(Ord. 501, passed 2-9-76)