(A) Offenders who have committed certain statutorily designated sexual offenses and other identified offenses are required by state statutes to register their addresses, secondary addresses, work locations and vehicles with the state Department of Corrections.
(B) Offenders who have committed the designated sexual and predatory offenses and are confined in state correctional facilities or treatment facilities are subject to provisions set forth in M.S. § 244.052. An offender is subject to review by an End of Confinement Review Committee (ECRC) established by the state Commissioner of Corrections. The ECRC is required to assess, review, and assign a risk level before the offender is released from confinement, pursuant to M.S. § 244.052. The offender is entitled to notice of the ECRC meeting and has the right to be present and be heard at the meeting.
(C) Offenders who, upon release from confinement, are assigned a risk level III are those who score a high risk to re-offend and represent the greatest risk to other residents of the city.
(D) Research indicates the measurement of individual characteristics are the best predictors of likelihood of re-offending and the end of confinement review process sets forth the procedures identified in M.S. § 244.052 resulting in the assigned risk level.
(Ord. 2020-05, passed 10-19-2020)