In order to become familiar with these regulations and related laws and to avoid costly revisions of plans and plats, the subdivider is encouraged to have preliminary discussions with the zoning administrator, the development review team and the Planning Commission before submitting a preliminary plat application.
   (A)   Meeting with zoning administrator. Before preparing the sketch plat for a subdivision, the applicant may meet with the zoning administrator to discuss the procedure for approval of a subdivision plat and the requirements in this chapter and other applicable regulations.
   (B)   Pre-application meeting with city’s development review team. Before preparing the sketch plat for a subdivision, the applicant may meet with the city’s development review team to discuss the procedure for approval of a subdivision plat and the requirements in this chapter and other applicable regulations. The development review team will hold at least two meetings per month or as needed. Members of the team can include the zoning administrator, public works foreperson, Fire Chief, city attorney, city engineer, city planner and others as determined by the city. The zoning administrator may also invite those officials who must eventually approve various aspects of the subdivision plat coming within their jurisdiction. Items to be discussed include the general layout of streets, blocks and lots, reservations of land for public uses, street improvements, drainage, sewerage, fire protection, and similar matters, as well as the availability of existing services.
(Ord. passed 1-23-2001)