For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
EXPLOSIVE. Any compound or mixture, the primary or common purpose of which is to function by explosion; that is, with substantially instantaneous release of gas and heat; but shall not mean or include the components for hand loading rifle, pistol and shotgun ammunition, black powder, primers, and fuses when used for ammunition and components for antique or replica muzzle loading rifles, pistols, muskets, shotguns and cannons, or fireworks as defined in M.S. § 624.20, as it shall be amended from time to time, nor shall it include any fertilizer product possessed, used, or sold solely for a legitimate agricultural, forestry, conservation or horticultural purposes, or petroleum products used in internal combustion engines.
EXPLOSIVE DEVICE. Any device so articulated that an ignition by fire, by friction, by concussion, or by detonation of any part thereof may cause the sudden generation of highly heated gases that the resultant gaseous pressures are capable of producing destructive effect, but shall not mean or include the components for hand loading rifles, pistols and shotguns ammunition and/or rifles, pistols and shotguns and cannons, or fireworks as defined in M.S. § 624.20, as it shall be amended from time to time, nor shall it include any fertilizer product possessed, used or sold solely for legitimate agricultural, forestry, conservation, or horticultural purposes.
INCENDIARY DEVICE. Any device so articulated that the ignition by fire, friction, concussion, detonation, or other method may produce destructive effects primarily through combustion rather than explosion, but shall not mean or include a manufactured device or article in common use by the general public which is designed to produce combustion for a lawful purpose, including but not limited to matches, lighters, flares, and petroleum derivatives, nor shall it include any fertilizer product possessed, used or sold solely for legitimate agricultural, forestry, conservation, or horticultural purposes.
(Prior Code, § 303.09.1)