12-424: EASEMENTS:
   A.   Where alleys are not provided, easements not less than ten feet (10') wide shall be provided along each rear lot line, and along side lot lines where necessary, for use by public and private facilities. When adjacent to unplatted land the easement shall be twenty feet (20'). The planning commission may require arterial easements and easements of greater width for the extension of main storm and sanitary sewers and other utilities where it is deemed necessary.
   B.   Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainage channel or stream which drains one hundred sixty (160) acres or more of land, there shall be provided a right of way for drainage, public parks, or public utility purposes adequate to contain all of the runoff from a 100-year maximum flood. The right of way shall include all of the land within the subdivision that has an elevation below the 100-year maximum flood elevation based on the determinations made by the Oklahoma soil conservation service or the drainage engineer of the city.
   C.   Pipelines carrying petroleum products shall be located in a dedicated easement of not less than thirty feet (30') in width, depending upon pressure requirement.
   D.   Where double frontage, reverse frontage lots and other lots abutting a major street exist a screening reservation of at least twenty feet (20') shall be provided along the portion of the lots abutting such traffic corridors in platted subdivisions.
   E.   On any corner lot on which a front and side yard is required, no wall, fence, sign, structure or any plant growth which obstructs sightlines at elevations between two feet six inches (2'6") and six feet (6') above any portion of the crown of the adjacent roadway shall be maintained in a triangle formed by measuring from the point of intersection of the front and exterior side lot lines a distance of twenty five feet (25') along the front and side lot lines and connecting the points so established to form a right triangle on the area of the lot adjacent to the street intersection. (Prior Code, Chapter 16, as amended)