A. Purpose: The section is intended to ensure that activity areas in the community are developed in a manner that complements the high quality of residential development expected of the City’s neighborhoods. The regulations, therefore, are intended to require a high standard for construction of buildings located in highly visible areas of the City as identified below and are established in addition to the use and development regulations of the applicable zoning district and all other City Construction Code requirements.
These regulations shall apply to new commercial buildings built in the C-l Local Commercial District, C-2 General Commercial District, C-3 Highway Commercial and Open Display District, CBD District and PUD’S where commercial buildings and commercial zoning are authorized. Modifications to the requirements contained in this section may be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council with the City Council action being final. The fee to request modifications shall be set by the city council in the city fee schedule. The request for modification shall be accompanied by renderings of all four building sides with proposed building materials.
B. Exterior building and related structure standards requirements:
1. Building Facades. Building Facades which are greater than 100 feet in length which are visible from a public right-of-way, must be divided into architecturally distinct sections of no greater than 40 linear feet through the use of different textures, bays, wall/roof offsets (a minimum of 12 inches in depth) such as projections and recessed, and/ or changes in floor level. Roof line offsets should be provided to lend architectural interest and variety to the massing of a building and to relieve the effect of a single, long roof.
2. Ground Level Detailing.
a. Mechanical equipment: All mechanical equipment shall be completely screened from the ground level of any adjacent property with architectural materials that are consistent with those used on the primary building.
b. Ventilation Grates and Emergency Exit Doors: Ventilation grates or emergency exit doors located at the first-floor level in the building facade, which are oriented to any public right-of-way, should be decorative. Unless otherwise required by the building code, such grates and doors should be located away from pedestrian spaces (sidewalks and pedestrian paths).
3. Windows.
a. Window openings, other than trancoms, display windows, and accent windows on upper stories should be taller than they are wide.
b. Windows should not be flush with exterior wall treatments. A header and sill is required for all windows in masonry construction.
c. Glazing should be clear.
d. Windows should have trim around all four sides.
4. Building Walls.
a. Wall materials: All building walls shall be brick, stone, or stone masonry units, wood clapboard, cementitious fiber board, exposed heavy timber, architectural concrete masonry units (GMU} or finished tilt-up concrete panel.
b. Balance of Wall Materials: When 2 or more are used on a facade, the heavier material should be placed below the lighter material (e.g. siding over brick) to give the sense of support and grounding.
c. Colors: The use of harsh high-intensity, metallic, fluorescent, day glow, or neon colors is prohibited. Variations in color schemes are encouraged to articulate entry ways and public amenities so as to give greater recognition to these features. Facade colors shall be low reflectance, subtle, neutral or earth tone colors. (Ord. 2022-18, 7-21-2022)