A.   When an office building, commercial building, or a residential structure contains two (2) or more units sharing common walls, each unit, including the land on which it is located, may be sold separately to individual owners subject to the following:
      1.   The multi-unit structure is authorized by a single building permit, and the footprint of the structure as built conforms to all area and height regulations of the zoning district in which it is located.
      2.   Lots may be platted to show the total building lot and individual parts of lots to be conveyed as separate ownerships. A deed of conveyance should designate the lot and specify ownership rights to any common areas that are a part of the development.
      3.   Where an existing lot or unplatted parcel is to be subdivided under the provisions of this section, the planning commission shall review and approve all deeds of conveyance through the lot split-deed approval process.
      4.   Each unit developed through this procedure shall be connected by individual city meters to the municipal water supply, where available, and each unit created shall be provided with, and billed for, all other available municipal services.
   B.   Condominium developments and sales shall be permitted, subject to state laws establishing procedures for conveyance of units. In such cases, the condominium structure as a whole shall conform to the use, area, and height regulations of the zoning district in which the project is located, plus all applicable building and construction codes of the city of Harrah. (Ord. 2006-4, 6-15-2006)