A. The following uses may be permitted on review by the planning commission:
Ambulance service or garage.
Automobile sales or services, new and used; new machinery sales and service provided no gasoline is stored above ground; used automobile and machinery repairing if conducted completely within a wholly enclosed building, but not including automobile or machinery wrecking establishments or junkyards.
Bait shop.
Boat sales.
Bus terminal.
Daycare or childcare centers.
Drilling for and extraction of oil and natural gas in accordance with the ordinances and regulations of the city.
Drive-in restaurant and theater.
Flea market, indoors.
Golf course, miniature.
Heating, ventilating or plumbing supplies, sales, service (no outside storage).
Printing plant.
Private wind energy conversion system (PWECS).
Research laboratories not otherwise allowed.
Roller rink. (1986 Code; amd. Ord. 1990-21, 11-15-1990)