A. The following requirements shall apply to all uses permitted in this district:
1. Front Yard: All buildings shall set back from the street right-of-way line to provide a front yard having not less than twenty five feet (25') in depth.
2. Side Yard: On the side of a lot adjoining a dwelling district there shall be a side yard of not less than twenty five feet (25'). Whenever the rear lot line of a corner lot abuts a dwelling district, the side yard adjacent to the street shall be not less than fifteen feet (15') in width. In all other cases no side yard shall be required.
3. Rear Yard: Where a commercial building is to be serviced from the rear there shall be provided an alleyway, service court, rear yard, or combination thereof of not less than thirty feet (30').
4. Lot Size: The parcel of land on which a convenience commercial center is located shall not be less than nine thousand eight hundred (9,800) square feet or more than two (2) acres in area.
5. Area For Off-Street Parking: Building shall be provided with a yard area adequate to meet off-street parking requirements set forth in article D this chapter. (1986 Code)