A. The city is hereby divided into zones as shown on the zoning map filed with the city clerk. The map as amended and all explanatory materials thereon is hereby made a part of this chapter. Zoning districts shall be designated as follows:
1. Agricultural Districts:
a. A-1 general agricultural district.
b. A-2 suburban district.
2. Residential Districts:
a. RE residential estates districts.
b. R-1A single-family dwelling district.
c. R-1B single-family dwelling or freestanding mobile home district.
d. R-2A medium population density residential district.
e. R-2B high population density residential district.
f. R-2C mobile home district.
3. Commercial Districts:
a. C-O commercial office district.
b. C-1 local commercial district.
c. C-2 general commercial district.
d. C-3 highway and open display commercial district.
e. CBD central business district.
4. Industrial Districts:
a. I-1 restricted manufacturing and warehousing.
b. I-2 general industry.
c. I-3 heavy industry.
5. F-Flood Plain District. (Ord. 1991-13, 8-1-1991; amd. Ord. 2023-5, 5-4-2023)
This district is intended to provide an area primarily for either agricultural endeavors involving five (5) or more acres under one ownership or the extraction of the various products such as oil, minerals, rock, and gravel from the earth. The rural nature and low density of population in this district requires that uses essential to agriculture, mining, quarrying, and extraction have a reasonable setback of buildings from streets and highways. It is the purpose of this district to encourage and protect such uses from urbanization until such use is warranted and the appropriate change in district classification is made. (1986 Code)