Section 9-1   General grant of power.
   (a)   The City of Harrah shall have full power to promote the general welfare by regulating the use of property and by controlling the development of the City through the exercise of the complete powers of planning and zoning within the City limits to the fullest extent permissible under the Constitution of the United States and the State Constitution. The exercise of the powers of planning and zoning within the City shall be in pursuance of this grant of authority, except with respect to those matters of general state concern as to which state law controls under the State Constitution. The City also may exercise powers of planning and zoning granted by the State in respect to matters of general state concern, as aforesaid, and also in respect to property situated outside the City limits.
   (b)   The scope of the planning function shall include, but shall not be limited to, the development and administration of a comprehensive land-use plan which will provide for the careful and thoughtful integration of residential, commercial, industrial, public, and other elements to achieve and preserve social purposes, economic values, and aesthetic quality of the neighborhoods and of other areas that compose the City.
   (c)   The City of Harrah shall have full authority to regulate and restrict the location of mobile homes and manufactured housing within the City of Harrah to the extent allowed by this Charter under the State Constitution and United States Constitution.
   (d)   The City of Harrah shall have full authority to regulate and restrict the location of oil, gas, and disposal wells and related appurtenances, within the City, and to adopt regulations concerning oil, gas, and disposal wells and related appurtenances within the City for the general safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Harrah insofar as is consistent with the Oklahoma and United States Constitution.
   (e)   The City of Harrah shall have the power to regulate, restrict, and/or prohibit the operation of disposal sites for all wastes within the City of Harrah to the fullest extent possible under the State and United States Constitution.