For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
AIR-GAP SEPARATION. An unobstructed vertical distance through the atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water to a tank, plumbing fixture, or other device and the flood level rim of the receptacle.
ALLOCATION. The assignment or apportionment of water and/or sewer to serve a certain defined area.
AUXILIARY INTAKE. Any piping connection or other device whereby water may be secured from a source other than the public water supply.
BACKFLOW. Any flow of water into the public water supply from any other source due to a cross-connection, auxiliary intake, interconnection, backpressure, backsiphonage, any combination thereof, or other cause.
BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE. An approved effective device method used to prevent backflow from occurring in the potable water supply. The type of device shall be based on degree of hazard, existing or potential.
BACKPRESSURE. Any pressure on any source of water other than the public water supply which may be greater than the pressure on the public water supply and may result in a backflow.
BACKSIPHONAGE. Any circumstance in which the pressure on the public water supply may be reduced to the point that the elevation and atmospheric pressure on a source of water other than the public water supply may result in a pressure to be greater than the pressure on the public water supply and may result in a backflow.
BUILDING. A structure as defined in Volume VII, One and Two Families, and Volume I, General Construction, of the NC State Building Code.
CAPACITY. Represents the ability to treat or move water and/or sewer. Typically, capacity is expressed in gallons per day (GPD) or million gallons per day (MGD).
CONFINEMENT DEVICE. A backflow prevention device that is installed within a private plumbing or distribution system to isolate a localized hazard from the remainder of said system.
CONNECTION. That part of the water service line which runs from the main to the property line, including all appurtenances, to make the service complete and ready for use.
CONSUMER. The person legally or equitably responsible for the payment of charges for water or sewer on any premises.
CONTAINMENT DEVICE. A backflow prevention device installed at the point of separation between the public water supply and a private service or private distribution system at the point of metering.
CONTRACTOR. A person or entity, licensed by the State of North Carolina Licensing Board, under contract to the developer to perform the construction of water and sewer infrastructure of the development.
CONTROLLED BY. Owned, operated, or leased by.
CROSS-CONNECTION. Any physical connection whereby the public water supply is connected with any other water supply system, whether public or private, either inside or outside of any building or buildings, in such a manner that a flow of water into the public water supply is possible either through the manipulation of valves or because of ineffective check or back-pressure of any other arrangement.
CUT-OFF VALVE. A valve used to regulate the water supply to the consumer's premises.
DEPARTMENT. Harnett Regional Water.
DEVELOPER. Any person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity improving property for commercial, industrial, or residential purposes.
DEVELOPMENT. Property improved for commercial, industrial, or residential purposes.
DISTRICT. Any HRW water and sewer district established pursuant to G.S. Chapter 162A, Article 6.
DOUBLE CHECK VALVE. An assembly composed of two single, spring-loaded independently operating check valves, including tightly closing shut-off valves located at each end of the assembly, and having suitable connections for testing the water tightness of each check valve.
DUAL CHECK VALVE. A device containing two independently acting check valves in series.
EASEMENT. An acquired legal right for the specific use of land owned by others.
ENGINEER OF RECORD. A person licensed as a Professional Engineer in good standing with the North Carolina State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors acting as an agent for the developer with regard to water and sewer line extensions.
FIRE LINE. A system of pipes and equipment used to supply water in an emergency for extinguishing fire.
FLOW. The actual amount of water and/or sewer being treated or moved. Flow is frequently expressed in gallons per day (GPD) or million gallons per day (MGD).
FULL SERVICE SPRINKLER CONNECTION. A separate metered connection originating at a main and running to the property line, and includes all appurtenances, to make the connection complete and ready for use. This connection is independent of any other water connection on the premises and shall not be connected to any plumbing or other pipeline where residual water therefrom is required to be discharged into the sewer system.
HRW. Shall mean Harnett Regional Water.
IMPROVED STREET. Any street having a wearing surface of concrete, brick, stone block, asphalt, or any bituminous compound.
INTERCONNECTION. Any system of piping or other arrangement whereby the public water supply is connected directly with a sewer, drain, conduit, pool, heat exchanger, storage reservoir, or other device which does or may contain sewage or other waste or substance which would be capable of imparting contamination to the public water supply.
LATERAL. That portion of the water connection which does not include meter, box or meter setter or connection.
MAIN. The pipe usually laid in a street running parallel to the property line which distributes water or collects sewer.
MAY. Permissive. (See SHALL.)
NCDEQ. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality.
NCDWQ. North Carolina Division of Water Quality.
OCCUPANT. The consumer who is actually in possession or control of any premises.
OWNER. The person having legal or equitable title to any premises.
PAYMENT PLAN. An agreed upon schedule for satisfying a consumer’s delinquent account status.
PERSON. An individual, firm, association, partnership, or corporation.
PREMISES. Land, building, or other structure, and appurtenances thereto.
PRESSURE VACUUM BREAKER. An assembly containing an independently operating spring loaded check valve and an independently operating loaded air inlet valve located on the discharge side of the check valve. The assembly must be equipped with suitable connections for testing the proper operation of the device and tightly closing shut-off valves located at each end of the assembly.
PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. The water and waterworks system of HRW, and its consumers outside the county boundary, for the provision of piped water for human consumption, and which supply is recognized as a public and community water system by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Environmental Health, Public Water Supply Section.
RECORD DRAWINGS. Drawings prepared by the engineer that indicate the details of the system following the construction phase and that at least meet the minimum standards set forth by the State of North Carolina and the North Carolina Licensing Board for Engineers and Land Surveyors and the HRW Sanitary Sewer and Water Specification.
REDUCED PRESSURE ZONE PRINCIPLE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE (RPZ). A device containing within its structure, two spring loaded independently operating check valves, together with automatically operating check valves, together with an automatically operating pressure differential relief valve located between the two check valves. The first check valve reduces the supply pressure a predetermined amount so that during normal flow and at cessation of formal flow the pressure between the checks shall be less than the supply pressure. In case of leakage of either check valve, the differential relief valve, by discharging into the atmosphere, shall operate to maintain the pressure between the check valves less than the supply pressure. The device shall have suitable connections for testing, including tightly closing shut-off valves located at each end.
RETROFITTED SPRINKLER CONNECTION. A second metered connection originating at a point along that segment of the existing service line between the main and the first or existing meter and running to the property line, and includes all appurtenances to make the connections complete and ready for use. The RETROFITTED SPRINKLER CONNECTION shall not be connected to any plumbing or other pipeline where residual water therefrom is required to be discharged into the sewer system.
SERVICE LINE. A water line which may service a house, business, apartments, and the like, which runs from the street to the establishment being served.
SHALL. Mandatory. (See MAY.)
STANDARD SIZE MAIN. Refers to a six-inch diameter water main and an eight-inch diameter sewer main.
SUBDIVISION. The division of a tract, parcel, or lot into two or more lots or building sites or other divisions for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale, legacy, or building development and includes all division of land involving a new street or change in existing streets to include re-subdivision. Subdivision shall also refer to uses of land not ordinarily considered a subdivision, but requiring utility installations. Examples of these uses are mobile home parks, multi-family projects townhouses, and planned unit developments.
SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE. A charge or assessment for service imposed with respect to new development to fund costs of capital improvements necessitated by and attributable to such new development, to recoup costs of existing facilities which serve such new development, or a combination of those costs. The term includes amortized charges, lump-sum charges, and any other fee that functions as described by this definition regardless of terminology.
UNIT. Refers to a residential housing unit such as an apartment, condominium, or duplex.
UNUSUAL CONDITIONS. Delays in acquiring materials, parts and/or supplies, rock encountered in construction, and other items which might cause delays not under the control of HRW.
WATER AND SEWER PLANS. An engineered drawing, signed and seal by the engineer of record, in conformance with the HRW Sanitary Sewer and Water Specifications that delineates the water and sewer infrastructure as well as other on-site improvements proposed for the development of the subject property.
(Ord. passed 6-30-2015; Ord. passed 7-16-2018; Ord. passed 6-15-2020; Ord. passed 11-16-2020)
(A) Except as provided in division (E) of this section, when a consumer shall have failed to pay their account (as specified in division (C) of this section) by the due date set forth on their bill, a delinquent service fee shall be imposed upon the consumer and the amount of such fee shall be added to the balance due.
(B) The amount of the delinquent service fee provided for in this section shall be the sum of $10.
(C) A consumer shall have failed to pay his account when the full amount charged to the consumer for service supplied as stated on their bill has not been paid over to and received by HRW by 5:00 p.m. on the due date set forth on the bill.
(D) The bill, which shall be mailed to a consumer setting forth the charges due for services supplied, shall state the due date, the amount of the bill if paid by the due date, the amount of the bill if paid after the due date, and shall further state that if payment is not made by the due date that the delinquent service fee will be charged.
(E) When a consumer has paid all bills rendered to him by the due date set forth on each bill for 12 consecutive billing periods, should that consumer then make a payment after a due date, the delinquent service fee shall be waived for that period.
(Ord. passed 6-30-2015; Ord. passed 7-16-2018; Ord. passed 6-15-2020; Ord. passed 11-16-2020)