(A)   Purpose. It is not the responsibility of County EMS to transport deceased persons. This policy will establish guidelines to be used when confronted with deceased person.
   (B)   Policy.
      (1)   Upon arriving on the scene of any fatality or deceased person, EMS personnel shall contact Central and request assistance due to a Code 3.
      (2)   EMS personnel shall refrain from answering questions or making comments concerning the fatality or deceased. All questions should be referred to the investigating officer.
      (3)   Upon the arrival of the investigating officer, EMS personnel will answer any questions by the officer and immediately leave the scene.
      (4)   If requested by the investigating officer and/or the medical examiner to transport the body, EMS personnel will request permission from the shift supervisor prior to moving the deceased.
      (5)   The shift supervisor will only authorize transportation of the deceased in extreme circumstances, and at no time will authorize transportation of a deceased person having a contagious disease or decomposed body.
(Res. passed 1-3-1989)