§ 130.10 EXCEPTIONS.
   This subchapter shall not be construed to rescind any of the state wildlife laws nor shall it be construed to prohibit the following:
   (A)   Any citizen from discharging a firearm when lawfully defending his or her person or property;
   (B)   Officers and enlisted personnel of the armed forces of the United States while in the performance of their official duties and acting under orders requiring them to carry arms, weapons, or explosives;
   (C)   Civil officers of the United States while in the performance of their official duties;
   (D)   Officers of the state or of any county, city, or town charged with the execution of the laws of the state when acting in the performance of their official duties;
   (E)   The discharge of a firearm at a properly permitted and approved firing range or facility operating as such prior to the adoption of this subchapter;
   (F)   Any citizen from discharging a firearm when protecting against the attack of any dangerous or destructive animal or reptile;
   (G)   The discharges of a firearm while participating in a special event such as turkey shoots that hold a valid local county permit;
   (H)   The performance of an historical ceremony or commemorative functions that are conducted involving the discharge of firearms that do not involve the release of projectiles;
   (I)   The discharge of a firearm while in the process of lawfully hunting wild birds and/or animals in accordance with G.S. Chapter 113, Subchapter IV; and/or
   (J)   Discharging a firearm into a device that is designed to receive and contain projectiles without risk of escape, which is located within the confines of an enclosed structure.
(Ord. passed 2-2-2015; Ord. passed 3-16-2015)