(A)   Purpose. To establish uniform standards within the section for the performance of secretarial work so as to help maintain a high level of proficiency and also ensure that every member of the secretarial staff is fully aware of what is expected of him or her.
   (B)   Policy.
      (1)   All county EMS secretarial personnel are expected to strive to achieve and maintain the standards set forth in the document entitled “Harnett County Emergency Medical Services Standards for Secretarial Staff”.
      (2)   The office manager shall utilize these standards in the work planning performance review process to evaluate the performance of each member of the secretarial staff.
   (C)   Accuracy.
      (1)   A secretary should be especially accurate when typing material to be sure it is prepared in the proper format. Special attention should be to accuracy in typing, punctuating, capitalizing, spelling, hyphening, and dividing words. Every sheet of typing should be carefully proofread.
      (2)   Be extremely careful in relating the correct phone number, spelling of name, area code, and the like in recording telephone messages.
      (3)   It is very important to make sure that all material is filed in the proper place. If there is any question about where material should be filed, ask someone rather than take a chance of filing it improperly.
   (D)   Neatness. All material typed in this office must be extremely neat without any noticeable erasures or smudge marks. It should always be spaced correctly, using proper vertical and horizontal margins.
   (E)   Speed.
      (1)   An efficient secretary should be able to set priorities with his or her work. Usually, top priority is placed on getting correspondence out first unless some other priority temporarily takes precedence. In this case, the secretary has to follow the instructions of his or her employer.
      (2)   If you have questions pertaining to your work, always refer to a reference manual or check with someone; however, this should be done as expeditiously as possible.
      (3)   Also, everyone should be very careful to deliver telephone messages to the appropriate staff member as soon as possible after receiving the call.
   (F)   Alertness.
      (1)   Alertness is very important in being a proficient secretary. A secretary should be aware of his or her employer’s schedule at all times, should have a telephone number where he or she can be reached, and know approximately what time he or she will return to the office.
      (2)   He or she should also be able to handle any type of work problem with ease and be knowledgeable about office procedures.
      (3)   You also have to be alert in order to catch your errors, not only typing errors but any type pertaining to your work.
      (4)   Try to anticipate mass mailings and prepare for them in advance. When working on large projects, organize in your mind the things required and prepare as many items in advance as possible. If you need assistance, consult the office manager.
   (G)   Versatility.
      (1)   It is very important for a secretary to be able to perform other types of work other than his or her daily routine.
      (2)   He or she should learn as much as possible about the other secretaries work in the office, and be able to assist anyone when necessary. It is also important to know how to operate and maintain any office equipment.
   (H)   Organization. It is very important to organize your work in order for you to set priorities. You can usually accomplish a lot more if you have things organized in your mind as to what should be done and not jump from one thing to another. It is also important for you and your employer to be organized so that he or she will be aware of what you are doing or should be doing.
   (I)   Dependability. It is necessary for your employer to be able to depend on you to perform office functions without hesitation. Every effort should be made not to abuse your sick leave. Always give the office manager as much notice as possible when requesting annual or petty leave, and also sick leave (if it is determined in advance that it is necessary for you to take sick leave).
   (J)   Punctuality. It is important that staff members be prompt when arriving for work in the mornings and after lunch. If you see that you are going to be late arriving at the office, always call your supervisor and advise what time you expect to be in.
   (K)   Confidentiality. A secretary must prove himself or herself to be the type of person an employer can trust with any type of confidential matters. A secretary and employer cannot have a good working relationship if the employer feels he or she cannot relate any type of confidential information, whether it be verbal or in writing, regarding functions of the office or pertaining to personnel.
   (L)   Cooperation. Make it a daily habit to work in a cooperative spirit rather than being a habitual faultfinder of other coworkers or of the agency. If you have criticism regarding the operation of the agency or its personnel, please bring it to the attention of the Director or office manager. Always remember, the way you treat other people is usually the way they will treat you.
   (M)   Initiative. Take the initiative to improve present working conditions, office procedures, and the like, and volunteer for responsibility without being asked.
   (N)   Dress code. Dress in a professional manner at all times.
(Res. passed 1-3-1989)