The following exceptions may be made in yard regulations:
   A.   Projections Into Yards: Steps, terraces and uncovered porches may extend into any minimum front or rear yard not more than six feet (6'), provided the floor thereof is no higher than that of the first floor entrance to the building; and such features may extend into any minimum side yard not more than four feet (4') distant from any lot line. Fire escapes and outside open stairways may project not more than two feet (2') into any minimum required yard. Chimneys may extend into any minimum yard not more than two feet (2'). (1984 Code)
   B.   Side Yards:
      1.   No side yards are required for dwellings that are erected above commercial structures.
      2.   If side yards are provided where not required, they must be at least five feet (5') wide. (Ord., 9-3-1974)