A.   The height limits may be exceeded in the following instances:
      1.   If a public building, church, hospital, institution, or school is set back an additional foot over the yard requirements, it may be increased in height two feet (2') over the height limit up to a limit of sixty feet (60').
      2.   Chimneys, church steeples, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, fire towers, monuments, stacks, stage towers or scenery lofts, tanks, water towers, ornamental towers, spires, radio and television towers, grain elevators, or necessary mechanical appurtenances are exempt from height regulations.
      3.   Buildings in the C1 district may be increased in height one foot (1') from each foot that the building is set back from all required yard lines.
   B.   Building heights shall be lowered in the following instances:
      1.   No building or structure or any portion thereof shall be erected within the approach-take off zone of any runway or landing strip in excess of a height above the elevation at the end of the runway equal to one-fortieth (1/40) of the horizontal distance from the end of the runway, measured along the centerline of said runway extended. The approach zone is considered to be a trapezoidal area extending from the end of, and in the same direction as, said runway for a distance of two (2) miles. Such area is five hundred feet (500') wide at the end of the runway and two thousand five hundred feet (2,500') wide two (2) miles from the end of the runway. Further, no building or structure or any portion thereof shall be erected in the transition zones on either side of an approach-take off zone of any such landing strip in excess of a height above the elevation at the end of said runway computed as follows: one-fortieth (1/40) of a horizontal distance from the end of said runway measured along the centerline of said runway extended, plus one-seventh (1/7) of the horizontal distance to the near edge of the approach zone, measured perpendicular to the centerline of said runway extended. Where an airport is bounded by a public road, the effective length of runways directed over any such public road shall be computed (using a slope of 40 feet horizontal to one foot vertical) to produce a height of fourteen feet (14') at the right of way line of such road nearest to the airport. (Ord., 9-3-1974)