Words used in the present tense include the future. The singular number includes the plural and the plural the singular. "Building" includes "structure". "May" and "shall" are mandatory.
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: The board of county commissioners for Big Horn County.
BUILD: To erect, convert, enlarge, reconstruct or structurally alter a building or structure.
BUILDING: Any structure built for the use of persons, animals or things. "Structure" means anything built that requires a permanent location.
CITY COUNCIL: The city council of the city of Hardin.
DISTRICT: A part of the jurisdictional area wherein regulations of this chapter are uniform.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP): The officially adopted growth and change plan defining where the people of Hardin want their community to grow toward and become. The GMP consists of the community's long and short term goals and objects, local history, public facilities plans, information on local economics, population, housing, land uses, natural resources, and the maps and projections therefor. The GMP also describes how its plans are to be implemented, maintained, and coordinated with other government, and how Hardin deals with subdivision growth.
JURISDICTIONAL AREA: The area of jurisdiction of the Hardin city- county planning board as shown on a map recorded with the Big Horn County clerk and recorder and the city finance officer.
LOT: A parcel of land adequate for occupancy by a use herein permitted, providing the yards, area, and off street parking herein required and fronting directly upon a street.
PLANNING BOARD: The city-county planning board of Hardin-Big Horn County.
PREMISES: Land together with any other buildings or structures occupying such land.
STREET: Property dedicated for and accepted for primary public access to lots. "Alley" means land devoted to secondary access to lots.
STRUCTURE ALTERATION: Any change in the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls or partitions, columns, beams or girders, or any complete rebuilding of the roof or the exterior walls. (Ord., 9-3-1974; amd. 1984 Code; Ord. 93-4, 8-17-1993; Ord. 2003-03, 4-15-2003)