10-3-11-2: DEFINITIONS:
As used in this section 10-3-11, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended:
CAMPER: A structure designed or with the intended purpose to be mounted upon a vehicle, usually a truck, which provides facilities for human habitation or for temporary outdoor or recreational lodging.
CANOPY: A structure designed or with the intended purpose to be mounted upon a vehicle, usually a truck, which provides security or shelter for things or persons under the structure that is the canopy.
INTENDED PURPOSE: The purpose or purposes for which the vehicle is originally designed, reconstructed, or permanently altered; such as an automobile is designed for transporting persons, a boat trailer is designed for hauling a boat, a truck is designed for transporting goods or persons, a bus is designed for transporting persons, a float is designed for use in a parade, a camper or motor home is designed for use in providing facilities for human habitation away from the usual residence or domicile of the owner or person in control or possession of the camper or motor home.
MOTOR HOME: A motorized vehicle originally designed, reconstructed, permanently altered or with the intended purpose to provide facilities for human habitation.
PUBLIC STREET: That portion of a public street right of way improved, designed, ordinarily used or with the intended purpose of being used for vehicular travel.
PUBLIC STREET RIGHT OF WAY: The entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained, including alleys, when any part of every way publicly maintained, including alleys, is open to use by the public for purposes of vehicular travel.
TRAILER: Every nonmotorized vehicle designed for being drawn by or used in conjunction with a motorized vehicle.
VEHICLE: Any motorized or nonmotorized device, including a trailer, capable of being moved upon a public street and in, upon, or by which persons or property may be transported or drawn on a public street. (Ord. 2003-01, 2-4-2003)