A.   A retail beer and/or wine license shall not be issued as a matter of right. The city, in its discretion, may issue or refuse to issue a license to any person, even though he holds a state license.
   B.   A retail beer and/or wine license may not be renewed or transferred as a matter of right. The city, in its discretion, may renew, may consent to the transfer, or decline to consent to the transfer of any license, although the holder of the license, or the transferee holds a license from the state. Upon an approved transfer, no new fee shall be collected by the city if said transferred license is current.
   C.   A retail beer and/or wine license or a renewal or a transfer thereof may only be granted by the council by resolution adopted. (Ord. 133, 2-6-1934; amd. Ord. 145, 12-7-1937; Ord. 2016-02, 2-2-2016)