(To be completed by Plan Commission)
Name of Subdivision                                                                                                                  
Zoning District                                                                                                                          
Owner:      Name                                                                                                                     
         Address                                                       Phone                                                  
Developer (if different from owner):
         Address                                                       Phone                                                  
Surveyor or Engineer                             Registration Number:                                                      
Date Submitted for Preliminary Plat Approval                                                                              
Check List
                   Five (5) copies submitted 30 days prior to meeting.
                   Copies sent to Town Engineer and utility companies (telephone, gas, electricity, etc.) for recommendations.
                   Copies of private deed restrictions, if any.
                   Preliminary plat (drawn to scale of not less than one (1) inch equals 100 feet), to include:
                   Tract designation according to the real estate records of the county.
                   Vicinity sketch at a scale of not less than one (1) inch equals 200 feet.
                   Name and location of subdivision.
                   Names of adjoining owners and/or subdivisions.
                   Date, north arrow, and graphic scale.
                   Acreage of land to be subdivided.
                   Boundary lines of tract to be subdivided.
                   Proposed lot lines and lot numbers.
                   Minimum building setback lines showing dimensions.
                   Sites and acreages of currently existing or planned public use areas.
                   Approximate locations of “100-year” flood elevations.
                   Location, widths, and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways and easements, established triangulation points or other established survey corners or lines, and other important features such as existing permanent buildings, large trees, water courses, railroad lines, etc.
                   Existing sewers, water mains, culverts, and other underground structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto, with pipe sizes and grades indicated.
                   Contours, normally with intervals of two (2) feet referenced to the town datum, or as may be required by the Plan Commission.
                   The layout, proposed names, and widths of proposed streets, alleys, and easements; the location and approximate sizes of proposed catch basins, culverts, and other drainage structures; and the layout, numbers and approximate dimensions of proposed lots.
                   Waiver of remonstrance for annexation included in covenants.
Approved                                   to proceed to final plat.
Subject to following modifications:
Variance granted:
Disapproved                                 for the following reasons:
      President of Plan Commission         Secretary of Plan Commission
(Ord. 2005-5, passed 6-7-2005)