Open burning that does not create a nuisance or a fire hazard and is attended by a responsible person at all times until completely extinguished is allowed for the following purposes.
   (A)   Open burning of wood products.
      (1)   A bonfire in connection with a religious ceremony, school pep rallies, scouting activities, and similar purposes. Permit needed. Permits will be issued by the town’s Police Department at least 48 hours’ in advance of the scheduled event and will expire 72 hours after the scheduled event; and
      (2)   Campfires and fires for cookouts.
   (B)   Open burning of agricultural wastes.
      (1)   Open burning of vegetative matter grown on the premises in the course of agricultural operations, when it can be shown that such open burning is necessary and that no fire hazard will occur, provided the person intending to dispose of vegetative matter by open burning obtains approval from the Fire Department that has jurisdiction.
      (2)   Any burning of agricultural waste permitted under the provision of this division (B) shall be allowed only between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., and only at times when the actual or forecast wind speed as given by the local National Weather Service is greater than five mph and less than 20 mph. Such fires shall consist of vegetative matter only.
   (C)   Stoves for heating and fireplaces. Fires shall be permitted in wood stoves for heating and fireplaces.
(Ord. 2002-10, passed 10-28-2002)