Town Council meetings shall be conducted according to the following procedures.
   (A)   Date and time of regular meetings. Regular meetings of the Town Council shall be held at 6:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at the town Municipal Building located at 200 Spruce Lane, Hanover, IN 47243. The date, time and location may be changed by the Town Council, so long as the notification complies with the state’s Open Door Law.
   (B)   Meetings. Throughout the year, the Council will hold and conduct regular meetings, executive meetings, administrative meetings, and special meetings, as needed. All meetings will be conducted according to the state’s Open Door Law, being I.C. 5-14-1.5 et seq.
   (C)   Quorum. A majority of Council members.
   (D)   Parliamentary procedure. All elected Council members including the presiding officer shall participate in debate and discussion on matters before the Council and shall vote on all matters before the Council. Robert’s Rules of Order will be used as guidelines in conducting meetings.
   (E)   Usual order of business. The usual order of business for Town Council meetings shall be as
      (1)   Call to order;
      (2)   Review minutes of previous meeting;
      (3)   Audience call;
         (a)   Speakers time may be limited at the discretion of the President;
         (b)   Speakers will be asked not to repeat the position of previous speakers; and
         (c)   Speakers will state their name and address when they commence their remarks to the Council;
      (4)   Report from committees, officers, and department heads;
      (5)   Old business;
      (6)   New business;
      (7)   Accounts payable vouchers;
      (8)   Announcements; and
      (9)   Adjournment.
   (F)   Agenda. An agenda will be prepared by the Clerk-Treasurer under the direction of the presiding officer prior to each meeting. Any person who wishes to be placed on the agenda shall give notice to the Clerk-Treasurer by Thursday (prior to the Tuesday meeting) and shall indicate the subject to be presented. Deviations to the public agenda may be necessary on occasions as determined by the presiding officer.
   (G)   Suspending the rules. These rules of procedure can only be changed by motion duly made, seconded and passed by a two-thirds majority of the Council.
   (H)   Minutes. Draft of minutes will be available within five working days after meetings.
(Ord. 2000-1, passed 1-3-2000; Ord. 2023-12, passed 5- -2023)