(A)   Pay money to Treasurer. All officers collecting or receiving any money belonging to the village shall immediately pay the money to the Village Treasurer and take a receipt for it. These officers shall report quarterly to the Trustees an accurate statement of all money received by them for the preceding quarter, specifying the amount, its source and the account upon which it was received. No officer shall retain any money collected or received by him or her toward the payment of any salary or fees which the village may owe him or her, but shall pay all of the money into the Village Treasury. Any officer violating any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty as provided in this code.
   (B)   Liability of officers. All officers shall be liable to the village for all loss or damage that may arise from their negligence or willful misconduct in the discharge of any official duty, and the Board of Trustees may, in its discretion, by order, withhold the salary of any officer to secure the village from loss. If any officer shall fail, neglect or refuse to perform or discharge any duty required of him or her, the President and Board of Trustees may employ or appoint any competent person to perform the duty. If this occurs, the costs and expenses of this action shall be charged to the officer and deducted from his or her salary or, if the salary is insufficient to pay the costs and expenses of this action, the village may recover these costs and expenses by suit in the village’s name before any court of competent jurisdiction.
   (C)   Failure to perform duties. If any village officer shall fail, refuse or neglect to perform any duty imposed upon him or her by any provision of this code or law of the state, that officer shall be subject to a fine and the offense shall operate as a removal from office.
(2010 Code, § 170.03) Penalty, see § 10.99