(A)   All business buildings situated within the county not connected to a public sewer shall be served with a private sewage disposal system which complies with the standards of the State Department of Health.
   (B)   All residential buildings not connected to a public sewer shall have private sewage disposal systems built according to the standards set out in State Department of Health Rule 410 IAC 6- 8.3, or in another manner as may be approved by the State Department of Health.
   (C)   All existing business and residential buildings, upon failure of the existing septic system, shall connect to a public gravity sewer located within 300 feet of their property line. The private sewage disposal system shall be filled in a safe and sanitary manner.
   (D)   All new residence or business buildings shall connect to a public sewer, if available, within 300 feet of their property line by the time construction of the residence or business building is completed.
(’86 Code, § 4-42) (Ord. 1995-12B, passed 12-11-95; Am. Ord. 1996-2A, passed 2-2-96; Am. Ord. 2014-2A, passed 2-18-14)