Elected officeholders and Departments may join wholesale clubs and may charge purchases to Hancock County only under the following terms:
(A) All employees making the purchase must be authorized by the elected official or department head;
(B) The elected official or department head must maintain an accounting system or log which includes the name and position of the employee holding the card, the employee’s position, the estimated amount to be charged, the fund and account numbers to be charged and the issuance date of the card;
(C) Only items approved by the elected official or department head may be purchased;
(D) Upon completion of the purchase the credit card must be returned to the elected official or department head, who shall record the date of return;
(E) Credit cards may not be used to bypass the accounting system; and
(F) Payment procedures are the same as any other claim. Payment may not be made solely on the basis of the credit card slip; supporting documents must be available.
(Ord. 2014-2E, passed 2-18-14)