The County Sheriff’s Department may enforce the following rules and regulations, which are established for the public grounds of the Maxwell Middle School and the Eden Elementary School.
(A) For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
SCHOOL DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING LOTS. All paved or graveled areas at Maxwell Middle School and Eden Elementary School, specifically but not limited to those paved or graveled areas commonly used as or designated as driveways or parking areas.
VEHICLES. All motorized vehicles including, but not limited to motorcycles, motorbikes, mopeds and go-karts.
(B) All vehicles traveling upon school driveways and parking lots shall yield to pedestrians.
(C) No vehicle shall be parked, left or abandoned on school driveways and parking lots when the owner or operator of the vehicle is not attending a school function or conference or other bona fide school related activity. In addition to the general parking prohibition described above, it is further specially provided that no person shall park or store any truck or equipment or semi-truck cab or cab and trailer on the school driveways and parking lots. It is further specifically provided that Greenfield- Central School Corporation has the right to have any vehicle violating this section removed at the owners expense.
(D) No vehicle shall be operated across or into any designated parking space at a speed in excess of five miles per hour.
(E) No vehicle shall be operated on any other area of the high school property at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour.
(F) No person shall recklessly operate a motor vehicle on the school driveways and parking lots at an unreasonably high rate of speed under the circumstances, or in a manner, under the circumstances, as to endanger the safety or property of others, or to block the proper flow of traffic.
(G) All persons operating motor vehicles on school driveways and parking lots shall stop at the points on the travel lanes where stop signs have been erected.
(H) Any person or persons violating this section shall be fined.
(’86 Code, § 6-87) (Ord. 1981-3A, passed 3-2-81) Penalty, see § 10.99