(A)   Private septic disposal systems shall be installed no closer than five feet to any property line. If and when perimeter tile is installed to drain an individual lot, it shall be installed no closer than ten feet to any private septic disposal system. Any perimeter tiles installed shall have granular backfill to within six inches of finished ground around the absorption field.
   (B)   Any tile that is cut through or otherwise disturbed will be reconstructed around the construction area, subject to approval by the appointee under § 50.03.
   (C)   Houses will not be constructed in natural watercourses unless measures, satisfactory to the County Drainage Board, are used to bypass the water around the building site by means of an artificial channel or a suitable outlet to prevent water from ponding around the homesite during runoff periods. Detailed drawings of the diversion channel are to be included with the drainage plan.
   (D)   Tile outlet drains installed in wooded areas will be sealed joint tile or pipe (non- perforated tile), if placed within 25 feet of any tree, except soft maple, willow, cottonwood, mulberry, hackberry or elm, which will require a distance of 50 feet. Field drain tile may be used intermittently as distance from trees allows.
   (E)   All subsurface tile receiving effluent from a perimeter tile shall have a minimum of three feet of earth cover for its protection, and benefit of a dwelling or subsurface septic tank disposal field.
   (F)   Construction will need prior approval if located in flood plains or floodways, as defined by the State Department of Natural Resources and the County Surveyor’s office.
   (G)   No roof downspouts, roof drains, nor roof drainage piping shall be directly connected to the subsurface part of a storm drainage system, which includes the septic field perimeter drain. If a land owner has connected the roof drains, an enforcement official shall notify the land owner by mail, with return receipt requested, that the owner shall remove the roof drains. If the owner has not removed the roof drains within ten days after receipt of the notice, the owner shall be considered in violation of this chapter.
(’86 Code, § 4-44) (Ord. 1995-12B, passed 12-11-95; Am. Ord. 2014-2A, passed 2-18-14) Penalty, see § 10.99