The improvements set forth under this subchapter shall be considered as the minimum acceptable standards and said improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with standards or specifications as set forth by the City Engineer.
   (A)   Requirements for underground wiring. This proprietor/developer shall make all arrangements necessary for all utility lines (electric, telephone, cable television or other services distributed by wire or cable) placed underground entirely throughout a subdivided area. Where a major thoroughfare is affected, such conduits or cables shall be placed within private easements provided to such service companies by the developer or within dedicated public ways. Overhead lines shall only be permitted upon the approval of the Planning Commission and City Council where there is no harm to the health, safety, welfare, plat design and character of subdivision. All facilities placed in dedicated public ways shall be planned so as not to conflict with other underground utilities. All facilities should be constructed as per the requirements of the Michigan Public Service Commission. All drainage and underground utilities which traverse privately owned property shall be protected by easements granted by the proprietor/developer.
   (B)   Street pavement. Street improvements shall be provided by the proprietor/developer in accordance with standards and specifications of the City Engineer and the Houghton County Road Commission where jurisdiction is involved.
Street Type
Pavement Width (in feet measured from face to curb to face to curb)
Major thoroughfare
Collector street
40 (parking both sides)
Multi-family residential
1. Dedicated
32 (parking one side)
2. Undedicated
24 (no parking)
Local residential streets
   (C)   A sanitary sewer system, including all appurtenances, shall be required in all subdivisions which shall connect and outlet into the citys sanitary sewer system and shall meet all requirements of the City Engineer.
   (D)   A public water supply system shall be required and water mains, fire hydrants and necessary water system appurtenances shall be constructed in such a manner as to adequately serve all lots shown on the plat, both for domestic use and fire protection. Standards and specifications shall be prescribed by the City Engineer.
   (E)   Curbs and gutters shall be constructed on all streets shown on the plat in accordance with standards and specifications of the City Engineer.
   (F)   Sidewalks shall be constructed along one or both sides of major thoroughfares and collector streets in accordance with standards and specifications of the City Engineer.
   (G)   Existing trees in or near street rights-of-way shall be preserved by the proprietor where possible; otherwise street trees shall be provided by at least one per lot in the front of each lot.
   (H)   For the proper identification of streets, the proprietor/developer shall provide and erect signs that are of permanent weather-resistance construction at each intersection. Location and type of signs shall be in accordance with standards and specifications of the City Engineer.
   (I)   Street lights shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Upper Peninsula Power Company and the city.
   (J)   An adequate storm drainage system, including in some combination necessary storm sewers, catch basins, manholes, culverts, bridges, open grass waterways and other appurtenances shall be required in all subdivisions in accordance with standards and specifications of the City Engineer. Adequate provision shall be made for proper drainage of storm water run-off from residential rear yards.
   (K)   As built drawings of all utilities will be provided to the City Engineer indicating size, distances and individual service locations.
(Ord. 115, passed 8-13-75) Penalty, see § 153.99