   113.01   Purpose
   113.02   General prohibition of marihuana establishments
   113.03   Violations and penalties
   113.04   Severability
§ 113.01 PURPOSE.
   On November 6, 2018, voters approved the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act, Ballot Proposal 1 of 2018 (hereinafter referred to as the "MRTMA") which came into legal effect on December 6, 2018. The MRTMA automatically permits marihuana establishments as described therein in all Michigan municipalities unless municipalities "opt out" and prohibit said establishments. As a result, the City of Hancock (hereinafter referred to as the "city") finds that the MRTMA, as approved, does not allow the city sufficient time to address the health, safety, property, and public peace interests of the community that may be affected by such establishments. The city requires time to evaluate the rules and regulations of the MRTMA and any rules promulgated by the State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (pursuant to MRTMA, §§ 7 and 8) and allow public discussion before making a decision whether or not to allow marihuana establishments in the city. This chapter does not, nor is in any way intended to, officially state any long-term position of the city on marihuana establishments. Rather, the necessity for public input on this issue and the city's desire to review any effects of permitting marihuana establishments demonstrates the need to promulgate a chapter to preserve the public, health, property, and public peace of the city.
(Ord. 301, passed 11-14-18; Am. Ord. 302, passed 1-16-19)