(A)   Except as permitted by this section, no owner or person shall rent a dwelling unit, residential rental property, or any portion thereof, within the city, unless otherwise exempted by this Residential Rental Property Code, without first obtaining and possessing a valid rental license issued by the City of Hancock Code Official. In the case of multiple owners of any residential rental property or dwelling unit subject to this Residential Rental Property Code, it shall be sufficient for any one of the owners to have obtained a rental license for the dwelling unit.
   (B)   Dwelling units or residential rental property existing on the effective date of this Residential Rental Property Code shall be brought into full compliance with the Residential Rental Property Code not more than 12 months from such effective date or such earlier or later date as may be ordered by the Residential Rental Property Inspector or Code Official for good cause involving health and safety.
(Ord. 306, passed 10-21-20)