The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this Residential Rental Property Code, shall, except where the context clearly indicates otherwise, have the following meanings:
   CAMPGROUNDS. A municipally-operated area designed for camping.
   CODE OFFICIAL. The Code Enforcement Officer, anyone fulfilling the duties of the Code Enforcement Officer on either a temporary or permanent basis, or any designee of the City Manager.
   DORMITORY HOUSING. Residence halls operated by a post-secondary educational institution.
   DWELLING UNIT. One room, or a suite of two or more rooms, designed for or used for living and sleeping purposes either permanently or transiently.
   FAMILY. Any of the following:
      (1)   Any group of individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit or the functional equivalent of a family, where the residents are a close group with social, economic, and psychological commitments to each other and whose relationship is of a continuous, non-transient, domestic character with a demonstrable and recognizable bond which constitutes the functional equivalent of the bonds which render the domestic family a cohesive unit;
      (2)   Not more than three unrelated persons living together as a single housekeeping unit;
      (3)   The "functional equivalent of a family" shall not include any organization such as a club, fraternity, sorority, lodge, monastery, or intentional community, nor any individuals whose association is seasonal or for limited durations defined by their occupation/jobs or educational pursuits, nor shall it include a group who share a dwelling unit explicitly for financial or philosophical reasons, or include any state-licensed facility except to the extent permitted by law.
   HOTEL. A building or combination of buildings under common ownership, operation, or management that contains ten or more rooms used in the business of providing short-term lodging, whether or not membership is required for the use of the rooms. HOTEL does not include dormitory housing, a hospital, a nursing home, or a facility owned and operated by an organization qualified for an exemption from federal taxation under § 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.
   JAIL. A municipally-operated facility designed for the confinement of persons accused and/or convicted of a crime.
   LICENSEE. Any owner or person licensed by the city under this Residential Rental Property Code to rent or let a dwelling unit, or portion thereof.
   LONG-TERM. A period of time that is equal to or greater than 30 days in length.
   MOTEL. Hotel; see above.
   NON-OWNER OCCUPIED. Any dwelling unit in which the owner resides less than 183 days per calendar year.
   OWNER. The individual or individual(s), natural or corporate, in possession of lawful title to real property. As used in this Residential Rental Property Code, OWNER may also include any authorized agent of the possessor of lawful title to real property. For the purposes of this Residential Rental Property Code, the term OWNER may be used interchangeably with the terms PERSON and LICENSEE.
   OWNER OCCUPIED. Any dwelling unit in which the owner qualifies under Michigan law for a principal residence exemption, and is allowing one or more persons to rent a portion of the dwelling unit for a period of time.
   PERSON. Any natural person, business association, or business entity, including but not limited to corporation, partnership, limited liability company, sole proprietorship, political subdivision of the state or other governmental entity, public or private agency, utility, or any other legal entity, or any successor or assign of any of the foregoing. Also, for the purposes of this Residential Rental Property Code, the term PERSON may be used interchangeably with the terms OWNER and LICENSEE.
   PREMISES. A lot or contiguous lots under common ownership, together with all buildings, structures, and appurtenances existing thereon. To the extent a lot or building is subdivided and contains a number of individually owned dwelling units, each dwelling unit and any buildings, structures, and appurtenances owned or used by each dwelling unit shall constitute a separate premises.
   PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE. Chapter 152 of the Hancock City Code of Ordinances, as may be amended from time to time.
   RE-INSPECTION or RE-INSPECTED. Any subsequent inspection conducted for the purpose of verifying that any violations reported during any inspection have been remediated.
   RENT or RENTAL. To provide or to offer for possession or occupancy a dwelling unit, or any portion thereof to a renter or guest for consideration, pursuant to a written, oral, or implied agreement.
   RENTAL CODE BOARD OF APPEALS. A five-member board consisting of a City of Hancock Council member, City of Hancock firefighter, City of Hancock licensee who is also a resident of Hancock, City of Hancock renter, and a City of Hancock resident. Such members shall serve two-year terms upon approval of the City Council. The Council may appoint alternate members at its discretion.
   RENTAL LICENSE. Any license issued by the city under this Residential Rental Property Code for the renting of dwelling units, or portions thereof, on residential rental property within the city.
   RENTER. Any person who occupies a dwelling unit, or portion thereof, other than the owner, the owner's immediate family (related by blood, marriage, or adoption), or any person residing with the owner on residential rental property.
   RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY. Any premises having one or more dwelling units, or portions thereof, that are available for rent.
   RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTOR. The legally designated property inspection authority of the city.
   SHORT-TERM. A period of time that is less than 30 days in length. Bed-and-breakfasts and boarding house establishments are considered to be short-term rentals.
(Ord. 306, passed 10-21-20; Am. Ord. 307, passed 1-6-21)