(A) Whoever violates any provision of the Fire Prevention Code shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $100 or by imprisonment for not more than 30 days or by both such fine and imprisonment. The imposition of one penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue; and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations or defects within a reasonable time. When not otherwise specified, each ten days that prohibited conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offense. The application of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions.
(Ord. 112, passed 7-23-75)
(B) Any person violating the provisions of § 95.01 of this chapter or after obtaining consent of the Fire Chief, violating or neglecting any of the precautions prescribed by him shall, upon conviction thereof, before a court of competent jurisdiction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10 together with costs of prosecution, and in default of the payment of such fine and costs, shall be imprisoned in the county jail or the city jail for a term not exceeding 20 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court.
(Ord. 28, passed 11-7-45)