Upon receipt of such special assessment roll, the City Council, by resolution, shall accept such assessment roll and order it to be filed in the office of the City Clerk for public examination, shall fix the time and place the Council will meet to review such special assessment roll and direct the Clerk to give notice of a public hearing for the purpose of affording an opportunity for interested persons to be heard. Such notice shall be given by one publication in a newspaper published or circulated within the city and by first class mail addressed to each owner of or person in interest in property to be assessed as shown by the last general tax assessment roll of the city, said publication and mailing to be made at least ten days prior to the date of said hearing. The hearing required by this section may be held at any regular, adjourned or special meeting of the Council. At this meeting, all interested persons or parties shall present in writing or orally their objections, if any, to the assessments against them. The Assessor shall be present at every meeting of the Council at which a special assessment is to be reviewed.
(Ord. 157, passed 7-20-83)