(A)   General. In reviewing site plans, the Building Code Official and Common Council shall consider and endeavor to assure the following:
      (1)   The location of development features, including principal buildings, and open spaces, and the location, design, width, and adequacy of all curb cuts, parking areas, driveways, and sidewalks within the site and their relationship to nearby connecting streets and sidewalks providing access to and egress from the site, are such as to minimize possible adverse effects on adjacent properties and so as to relate properly to pedestrian vehicular traffic safety;
      (2)   On-site circulation of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic shall achieve both safety and convenience of persons and vehicles using or visiting the site;
      (3)   Landscaping, earth berms, fencing, signs, and obscuring walls are of such a such a design and location that the proposed development is aesthetically pleasing and is harmonious with nearby existing or future developments;
      (4)   Utility service, including proposed water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater runoff systems are sufficient to fulfill the projected needs of the development and the recommendation of the City Engineer and the Director of Public Safety. Approval by a state or county department having jurisdiction may also be a prerequisite to approval;
      (5)   Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the city may require as a condition of final site plan approval, landscaping, berming, fencing, construction of walls, marginal access drives or other appurtenances as necessary or desirable to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the community, to provide adequate protection to surrounding properties, to preserve and promote the character of the district and to achieve a lasting and desirable improvement to the community.
   (B)   Preliminary and final site plan application form contents. The following information shall be included on all preliminary and final site plan application forms:
      (1)   Applicant's name, address, and phone number;
      (2)   Name of proposed development;
      (3)   Common description of property and complete legal description;
      (4)   Land acreage and frontage on public roads or rights-of-way;
      (5)   Existing zoning and zoning of adjacent properties;
      (6)   Detailed description of the proposed use of the land;
      (7)   Name, address, and phone number of the firm or individual who prepared the site plan and legal owner of the property; and
      (8)   Signature of applicant and legal owner of the property, if not the applicant.
   (C)   Preliminary site plan data required. The following information shall be included on all preliminary site plans submitted for consideration:
      (1)   Name of development and title block;
      (2)   Location map at a scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet, showing section number(s), site location, major roads, and railroads;
      (3)   A scale of not less than one inch equals 50 feet if the subject property is less than three acres, and one inch equals 100 feet if there are three acres or more;
      (4)   Date, north point, and scale (graphic and written);
      (5)   Property identification number(s) and the dimensions of all lot and property lines, showing the relationship of the subject property to abutting properties;
      (6)   Location of all existing and proposed structures, uses, number of stories, gross building area, setback lines, distances between structures, and location of loading areas on the subject property;
      (7)   Location of all existing structures within 100 feet of the subject property lines;
      (8)   All existing and proposed aisles, drives, pedestrian paths, roadways, parking areas, and number of parking spaces on the subject property lines;
      (9)   All existing and proposed roadways, drives, parking areas, and pedestrian paths within 100 feet of the subject property;
      (10)   Location and height of all walls, fences, and screen planting, including a plan for landscaping of the development and the method by which landscaping is to be accomplished and maintained;
      (11)   Location and width of all abutting streets, rights-of-way, easements, and pavements;
      (12)   Types of surfacing, such as asphalt or concrete paving, turfing, sod, or stone to be used;
      (13)   Types of facing materials to be used on structures;
      (14)   Elevations (front, sides and rear views) of all sides of the building(s);
      (15)   A floor plan drawing showing the specific use areas of all existing and proposed building on-site;
      (16)   Seal of registered architect, landscape architect, land surveyor, or, civil engineer that prepared the plan. In cases of minor structural alterations where professional services are not required, additions of 300 square feet or less, or for changes in the use of existing buildings, the Building Code Official may waive this requirement; density calculations (for multiple family projects);
      (17)   Principal and accessory buildings;
      (18)   Designation of units by type of buildings;
      (19)   Interior walks and pedestrian or bicycle paths within the right-of-way;
      (20)   Exterior lighting locations, type of fixtures, and methods of shielding them from projecting onto adjoining properties;
      (21)   Trash receptacle and transformer locations and method of screening;
      (22)   Drive or street approaches including acceleration, deceleration, and passing lanes where appropriate;
      (23)   All utilities located on or serving the site, including sizes of water and sewer lines;
      (24)   Loading and unloading areas;
      (25)   Designation of fire lanes;
      (26)   Estimated number of full-time and part-time employees;
      (27)   Address location an building and size of numbers;
      (28)   Where large equipment or machinery is to be installed as part of the development, the location, type, horse-power, fuel, dimensions, noise, vibration, and emission levels and other data of all such equipment or machinery;
      (29)   General location and types of proposed signs for all buildings and uses on site; and
      (30)   Such other reasonable and relevant information as may be required by the city to assist in the review of the proposed development.
   (D)   Final site plan data required. In addition to the preliminary site plan data specified above, the following minimum information shall be added for final site plan review and approval:
      (1)   Site engineer plans prepared by a registered civil engineer. Such plans shall be submitted to the Building Code Official for review and recommendation prior to Common Council consideration of final site plan approval. Plans shall include the following:
         (a)   A proposed grading and drainage plan. The plan shall show proposed finished floor elevations, finished grades at structures, proposed storm collection system (including bioswales or other green infrastructure such as rain gardens, permeable pavement, and green roofs), storm outlet(s), ultimate downstream outlets and, when required retention/detention basin design calculations. Any areas of filled or reclaimed land shall be identified and all development shall detain stormwater so that the runoff from the property does not negatively impact upon adjacent properties or public and private rights-of-way;
         (b)   All utilities located on or serving the site, including sizes of water and sewer lines, proposed hydrants, proposed meter size, and proposed fire suppression line into building. Proposed sanitary leads, disposal systems shall also be shown, as applicable;
         (c)   Proposed streets and drives showing type of surfacing, whether public or private, and grade elevations.
      (2)   Proposed fire lanes and fire lane signs;
      (3)   Proposed signs and specifications for control of traffic;
      (4)   Seal and signature of registered design professional responsible for preparation of the plans;
      (5)   Measures to be taken to protect existing on-site trees not proposed for removal as part of the development;
      (6)   Landscaping plan showing species, spacing, and size of each tree and plant material and ground cover; and
      (7)   Proposed signs for all buildings and uses on site, including character, size, letters, symbols, and lighting.
(Ord. 497, passed 2-3-2004; Am. Ord. 523, passed 6-13-2006; Am. Ord. 2011-7, passed 12-13-2011; Am. Ord. 2019-02, passed 10-8-2019; Am. Ord. 2020-28, passed 3-3-2020; Am. Res. 2021-46, passed 4-13-2021)