§ 155.065 MULTI-USE DISTRICT (C2).
   (A)   Intent. The Multi-Use District (C2) is established to encourage a diversity of compatible land uses, which may include a mixture of residential, office, retail, recreational, office research, light manufacturing, and other miscellaneous uses within an aesthetically attractive environment conducive to the development and protection against nuisance type uses and combinations.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Residential uses. In the C2 District, only the following residential uses shall be permitted subject to the provisions of this chapter:
         (a)   Accessory buildings and uses as identified in this subchapter;
         (b)   Condominiums;
         (c)   Dwellings, single-family detached;
         (d)   Dwellings, two-family;
         (e)   Public owned and operated parks and outdoor recreation facilities and open space;
         (f)   Public services;
         (g)   Parochial, private, public, or charter elementary, junior high, and high schools;
         (h)   Religious, cultural, and fraternal activities;
         (i)   Congregate residences;
         (j)   State licensed residential facilities;
         (k)   Townhouses;
         (l)   Home occupations as defined in § 155.120(B); and
         (m)   Apartment houses.
      (2)   Commercial uses. In the C2 District, only the following commercial uses shall be permitted subject to the provisions of this chapter:
         (a)   Amusement centers;
         (b)   Bakeries;
         (c)   Bars;
         (d)   Brewery;
         (e)   Brewpub;
         (f)   Business or financial services, unless specifically addressed as a special land use in this district or specifically prohibited by this chapter;
         (g)   Butchers that do not process live farm animals;
         (h)   Commercial, light;
         (i)   Commercial retail sales and services, unless specifically addressed as a special land use in this district or specifically prohibited by this chapter;
         (j)   Commercial retail sales, food;
         (k)   Commercial schools;
         (l)   Confectioneries;
         (m)   Delicatessens;
         (n)   Distillery;
         (o)   Grocery stores;
         (p)   Laundromats;
         (q)   Mortuary, funeral home;
         (r)   Motel, hotel;
         (s)   Museums;
         (t)   Open air business uses;
         (u)   Production filming;
         (v)   Professional offices, such as medical and dental clinics, accountants, and attorneys at law;
         (w)   Restaurants, take-out;
         (x)   Restaurants;
         (y)   Theatres;
         (z)   Establishments with sidewalk cafes on public sidewalks; and
         (aa)   Mixed-use commercial and residential uses provided that the commercial use is a permitted use in the C2 District.
   (C)   Uses subject to special land use approval. In the C2 District, only the following uses shall be permitted, subject to the requirements of the special land use process as prescribed by §§ 155.185 through 155.188:
      (1)   Laboratory;
      (2)   Light manufacturing plants;
      (3)   Parking lots; and
      (4)   Event halls.
   (D)   Accessory buildings and uses. The following accessory buildings and uses shall be permitted in the C2 District:
      (1)   Garage, private;
      (2)   Private swimming pools;
      (3)   Courts; and
      (4)   Parking lots.
   (E)   Area, height, and bulk requirements.
      (1)   Residential uses. The area, height, and bulk requirements in the R District shall apply to all residential uses in the C2 District.
      (2)   Commercial uses. The following area, height, and bulk requirements shall apply to all commercial uses in the C2 District.
         (a)   All new buildings shall be constructed within one foot of the front lot line. All new buildings on corner lots shall also be constructed within one foot of the side lot line.
         (b)   Minimum lot size in square feet: none, provided that the provisions of off-street loading berth requirements are complied with.
         (c)   Minimum lot dimensions in feet: width: none; depth: none.
         (d)   Maximum height of building: four stories; 60 feet.
         (e)   Minimum yard setback in feet: front: none, provided that the provisions of off-street loading berth requirements are complied with; rear: none, provided that the provisions of off-street loading berth requirements are complied with; sides: none, provided that the provisions of off-street loading berth requirements are met.
         (f)   Maximum lot coverage by all buildings: none.
   (F)   Structure and site requirements. The structure and site requirements listed in this section shall apply only to commercial uses:
      (1)   All new buildings shall be constructed within one foot of the front lot line and side lot line on corner lots. Entryways may be recessed to allow for traditional storefront entryways consistent with the district character. See diagram below.
      (2)   All buildings shall have not less than one pedestrian entrance on the front lot line.
      (3)   The street number of not less than three inches in height shall be displayed above the front door and shall be painted on the rear door of the building.
      (4)   Roof-mounted appliances shall be enclosed on all sides by view obscuring screening so as not to be visible from off the site from any angle. If such appliances or equipment shall be placed on the ground, the above screening requirements shall apply.
      (5)   All new buildings, additions, and significant exterior changes or renovations shall be found to be architecturally compatible with adjacent buildings. In making such a determination, the following shall be considered:
         (a)   Not less than 90% of the exterior finish material on all facades that face a street shall be limited to the following: glass, brick, cut stone, coarsely textured stucco or pressure treated cedar wood. Pressure treated cedar wood can be a secondary material comprising only up to 50% of exterior finish material. E.I.F.S. may also be used on the second story and above, but shall not cover more than 33% of the façade.
         (b)   Colors shall be compatible with the majority of the adjacent buildings in the district.
         (c)   The back of the building shall be constructed of brick or painted or dyed concrete blocks.
         (d)   Blank walls shall not face a public street. Walls facing a public street shall include windows and architectural features customarily found on the front façade of a building, such as awnings, cornice work, edge detailing, or decorative materials.
         (e)   Each storefront shall have window openings equal to at least 50% of the façade between two feet and eight feet from the ground. The wood or metal armature of such storefronts shall be painted, bronze, or powder-coated. The glazed area of a façade above the ground floor shall not exceed 35% of the total window area.
         (f)   Walls, displays, stored merchandise, signs, or other items shall not obstruct views into the store from street side windows.
         (g)   Windows shall have a light transmission factor of 80% or greater.
         (h)   Windows at or above the second story shall not be covered on the exterior.
         (i)   Upper-story windows that are replaced or exposed shall retain their original size, orientation, and shape so that the configuration of the façade is not changed.
         (j)   Exterior security gates or grills placed on a street-facing façade of a non- residential building shall be retractable, shall remain open and retracted when the use is open to the public or otherwise in operation. They shall stay in operational condition, shall not be unfinished metal, and shall not have any signs. No security gate shall be installed prior to received façade review approval from the Planning Commission.
         (k)   Metal overhead doors for interior-loading areas or loading docks shall not face a public street. Loading docks shall be not be permitted on the front of a building.
         (l)   Cantilevered mansard roofs shall not be permitted.
         (m)   All HVAC equipment shall be located on the roof or within the building. If such equipment is installed on the roof, it shall be screened by a parapet wall so as not to be visible from street level. Window air conditioners shall not be permitted in the front façade windows.
         (n)   Public pedestrian entrances shall not be permitted on the side of the building, with the exception of buildings located on corner lots. Public pedestrian entrances for buildings on corner lots may occur only on the front of the building, or the side of the building that is adjacent to the public right-of-way.
      (6)   No new driveways, service drives, or curb cuts shall be permitted off of any public road.
      (7)   A screenwall shall be built along the front lot line and aligned with the adjacent building façade for all new parking lots. Screen walls shall be between two and one-half to three feet in height and made of brick, stone, or other masonry materials matching the building. Screenwalls may have openings of a maximum of 25 feet for existing curb cuts to allow vehicular and pedestrian access.
      (8)   No new parking lots shall be permitted on corner lots where buildings do not exist. Where a building does exist on a corner lot, parking shall be permitted. Parking lots shall be permitted in the area of a maximum of 30 feet off of the rear lot line and behind the main building
      (9)   There shall be not less than 20 feet of clear space between every residential building and another main building on the same lot.
(Ord. 497, passed 2-3-2004; Am. Ord. 523, passed 6-13-2006; Am. Ord. 2011-7, passed 12-13-2011; Am. Ord. 2019-02, passed 10-8-2019; Am. Ord. 2020-28, passed 3-3-2020; Am. Res. 2021-46, passed 4-13-2021; Am. Ord. passed 8-24-2021; Am. Ord. —, passed 3-8-2022; Am. Ord. —, passed 12-12-2023; Am. Res. 2024-75b, passed 8-13-2024)